On 5/5/2014 12:17 PM, blach wrote:
> Thank you Shawn 
> I did what you told me. now this is my code:


> it gives me error that org.apache.solr.client.solrj is not found !!!!

I don't know how to do classpath management in the Android enviroment. 
You'll need to add the solrj jar to your application classpath.  In the
download that I have extracted on my computer, this is named
dist/solr-solrj-4.7.2.jar ... the version number is usually in the
filename.  A number of other jars are also required.  You can find these
in the dist/solrj-lib directory.  If you need a newer or slightly older
version of one of the dependent jars for your own code, it is usually OK
to use a slightly different version.


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