On Sat, May 06, 2006 at 08:04:35PM +0200, Jiba wrote:
> I was meaning that svn.soya3d.org will not be the "official main 
> repository". 

I never suggested any such thing, though this has been offered.

> I think Soya should use militant hosting rather being hosted on 
> someone's personal server or (even worse) on a server owned or payed 
> by a commercial entity. It is a question reliability and independence.

No, it's a question of community.  You have habitually denied tools and 
systems which allow more people to become involved in Soya development 
while speaking of how you would like more people involved.

Enough is enough.  soya3d.org is available for use by anyone who wishes 
to collaborate and it's here to stay.  The "one man band" is over, 
you're going to have to get used to the growing symphany of developers.

> Similarly, Soya's website should rely on militant hosting too.

I'm really curious, what about GNA! do you consider militant?  Why do 
you consider military hosting to be better than any other?

> BTW Soya is GPL'ed, but I realize I've never say under which licence 
> was the editorial content of my dead wiki on nekeme server. Pillaging 
> this editorial content in your own wiki/trac without saying me a word 
> was both 1) not gentle 2) surely illegal 3) inconsequent, since having 
> several wikis leads to synchronization problems.

Are you saying that you are publishing information for a free software 
project, on a wiki, soliciting contributions, under a non-free license?  

Does the same apply to your "new" soya pages on your personal project 
website?  Is this information also proprietary?

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