On Wed, 2006-06-07 at 23:51 +0200, David Anderson wrote:
> Hi all,
> So, as we've said in our previous mail, Arc Riley's fork stems from a
> disagreement between Arc, who has been recently providing
> administrative assistance and mentoring for the Google Summer of Code,
> and Jiba, whom you all know to be the founder and lead developer of
> Soya3D, the author of at the very least 50% of the code of the engine.
> The core of the disagreement lies in Arc's feeling that Jiba is
> considering Soya3D as his pet project and is therefore impairing its
> progress, despite Soya3D having an established core of developers,
> users, and enthusiasts who believe otherwise.
> The fork of Soya3D is called pySoy, and is located at
> http://pysoy.org/ .  The Soya3d.org domain is currently also owned by
> Arc Riley, and contains a placeholder that is very misleading on the
> amplitude of the fork.
> Most of the past and present long-term contributors and core
> developers of Soya3D have not followed this fork, and disagree with
> Arc's reasons for forking the project.
> As far as we know, the pySoy team is currently composed of Arc; a
> developer called Buddha (who has made only sporadic public
> appearances, and no code contributions); and one of Soya3D's SoC
> students, Palle Raabjerg, who is now working on Blender exporters for
> pySoy and Cal3D under the mentoring of Buddha and Arc.

As much as I'm guessing this is probably a bad idea (since it's becoming
impossible to stay neutral on this issue) I'm going to have to say that
any work I do will probably be in the pySoy camp too. :/ I hope no one
is offended by this, because my __only__ reasons really for doing this
are the following--and have NOTHING TO DO with who I "like" more or any
of this nonsense recently with the file format which may, in fact, be
total nonsense--I don't know, I don't have enough knowledge to make an
educated opinion. Hell, I'll be the first to say that Arc probably isn't
the easiest person to get along with, though I'm pretty pacifist by
nature and have no trouble getting along w/ anyone :)...

        1. I would really, really, really like an opportunity to cleanup and
modularize the build system some.That is: make it so that you can easily
build any component individually. This currently isn't possible (you
have to rebuild a few VERY LARGE pyrex files which can take about 4
minutes on my machine). I would also like to do some serious cleanup to
the directory layout/structure. Neither of these things are something I
would dare even bother bringing up to an existing project, since I'm not
one to rock the boat. :)

        2. I would like to be able to reorganize the formatting of some of the
code; I'm a tabs guy, I simply can't help it. :) Looking at
space-indented code (and and lots of it is 2/3-space indentation) tires
my eyes. To each his own... :)

        3. Arc, despite all his flaws (*hugs Arc*), knows what he's doing when
it comes to motivating people and using "tools" (such as Trac) to manage
a project. These are absolutely __crucial__ to a successful project,

However, in the spirit of David's post, I would be more than welcome to
integrate my changes (right now morph targets and exposing bones to
Soya, both of which are nearly done) in both projects, leaders

Anyways, I hope I'm not offending anyone or burning any bridges. :/

> We do not endorse the soya3d.org domain in its current state, and wish
> the placeholder to reflect the status in a more neutral manner, until
> such time that its registration may expire or be transferred to a
> representative of the Soya3D project.  Its current state is outright
> misleading, and is damaging to the credibility of pySoy.
> I hope resolution of this issue will come swiftly. At present, the
> home of Soya3D continues to be http://home.gna.org/oomadness/en/soya/
> , this mailing list, and #soya on the Freenode IRC network.
> However unfortunate this situation may be, I would like to welcome
> pySoy into existence.  Arc, I'm sure we'd all like to hear in what
> ways pySoy's development roadmap will be different to Soya3D's.
> Please, feel free to explain in this thread the direction pySoy is
> taking relative to Soya3D, so that we are all clear on what is going
> on and what we can expect from pySoy!
> Also, as a note to everyone: just in case you are wondering, be
> assured that as far as we are concerned, you are open-source, Python
> and 3D enthusiasts, and are you therefore obviously most welcome to
> contribute to Soya3D!  This goes especially to you, Palle; although
> you were required to choose "one or the other" for administrative
> clarity on Google's side, you are still most welcome to also
> contribute to Soya3D.
> Until we get a more detailed explanation of where pySoy is going
> by the people involved, happy hacking everybody, and sorry for the
> confusion!
> - Jiba and Dave, for Soya3D
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