Hi all, 

I just test soya with a fresh install of mandriva. I have several proposals :

1) update README file tutorial with this new version (see attachment). It is 
just some advices to be sure that absolute beginner can use tutorial without 
any warning or special tweak (due to privilege problems on data files).

2) I also provide a trivial script to walk trhough all tutorials. I suggest 
this scripts can be used as a quick test for validation of soya packaging.

3) I think some packaging dependencies are missing in soya :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ rpm -q -i soya
Name        : soya                         Relocations: (not relocatable)
Version     : 0.13.2                            Vendor: Mandriva
Release     : 1mdv2008.0                    Build Date: jeu 02 aoû 2007 
10:33:22 CEST
Install Date: mar 16 oct 2007 22:21:54 CEST      Build Host: n2.mandriva.com
Group       : Development/Python            Source RPM: 
Size        : 4208878                          License: GPLv2
Signature   : DSA/SHA1, ven 05 oct 2007 04:37:30 CEST, Key ID 445935f878d019f5
Packager    : Adam Williamson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
URL         : http://home.gna.org/oomadness/en/index.html
Summary     : A practical high-level object-oriented 3D engine
Description :
A practical high-level object-oriented 3D engine.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ rpm -q --requires soya
rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1

=> missing (confirm please) :
 - python-imaging (PIL)
 - libode

4) I think some packaging dependencies are missing in soya-tutorial :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ rpm -q -i soya-tutorial
Name        : soya-tutorial                Relocations: (not relocatable)
Version     : 0.13.2                            Vendor: Mandriva
Release     : 1mdv2008.0                    Build Date: jeu 02 aoû 2007 
10:33:22 CEST
Install Date: mar 16 oct 2007 22:21:56 CEST      Build Host: n2.mandriva.com
Group       : Development/Python            Source RPM: 
Size        : 12318443                         License: GPL
Signature   : DSA/SHA1, ven 05 oct 2007 04:37:31 CEST, Key ID 445935f878d019f5
Packager    : Adam Williamson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
URL         : http://home.gna.org/oomadness/en/index.html
Summary     : Tutorial for the Soya 3D engine
Description :
This is a set of tutorial for Soya.
Soya is a practical high-level object-oriented 3D engine for Python.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ rpm -q --requires soya-tutorial
soya >= 0.13.2
rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1

=>missing :
  - free-fonts (pudding-1.py tutorial explicitly ask for "sans" or"freesans" 
  - blender (used once, don't know when exactly, probably 
blender-auto-exporter, by the way, it  crashed my system).
  - cerealizer (several loading / saving scripts)
  - tofu (tofu-demo)
  - elementtree (available ?)

5) Other problems  :
perfo pb with quite high cpu consumption
  - character-animation-shadow-cellshading1.py
  - all game-skel (max 10 FPS) and ode (for example collision-8-terain)

Crash (loss of X session) with blender-auto exporter (once).

Several exceptions raised :
  - sound-1.py (no sound, and library pb)
  - speed-1.py

Can provide detail for bugs if someone want to fix and helps for mandriva 
packaging pb if someone can confirm my dependencies assumptions.

Waiting for you replies...


Attachment: tutorial-tour.sh
Description: application/shellscript

# Intro :

# You are reading the Soya tutorial. Welcome !
# Lessons basic-XXX.py explain the basic of Soya and are understood to
# be read first, and in order. Other lessons are focused on specific
# features and can be followed in (quite) any order.

# You'll find 320x240 screenshot of each tutorial lesson in ./results;
# look at them if you think you have found a bug in Soya.

# Most of the Soya's objects and functions have docstings, so you can
# get additionnal information by typing e.g. 'help(soya.Volume)' in a
# Python shell.

# Please forget about my bad English ! Enjoy Soya !
#                                   Your teacher, Jiba

# Some practical advices :

# If you installed the tutorial via a binary package of a linux distribution,
# it is likely that some tutorials will require root privilege to work on 
# their data files. In that case, verify you have write access to data dir
# and data files : 
#       [INSTALL_DIR]/tutorial/data 

# A good way to proceed anyway is to make a personal copy of the tutorial with
# your regular user, thus you will have the appropriate rights and will be safe 
# to hack tutorial code without damaging original package :
#       cp [INSTALL_DIR]/tutorial [WORK_DIR]

# Some tutorials need their level data to be created prior their execution. 
# game_skel-1.py will create the level used by other tutorials of the same 
# serie.

# To start, go in your tutorial directory and type 
#       python ./basic-1.py
# and then <Ctrl-C> from the console to terminate the soya script.

# Under linux, you can walk through all tutorials by executing.
#       ./tutorial-tour.sh

# If you are a linux distribution packager, this "tour" is a quick test to
# verify that soya and the tutorial are properly configured for your 
# distribution.
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