Trying again all the tutorials, I have seen that all of them are
working, with this exceptions:

GUI stuff works, but says this:
DeprecationWarning: process_event is deprecated, use MainLoop's events
attributs instead

ODE collision 7th demonstration fails when it inits:

deavid:~/git/soya/soya/tutorial$ python
===== Control =====
arrows: move
espace: up
left:   down
mouse:  look
clic:   firing laser
right:  clic for stronger single shot
return: center the camera when you're lost
escape: quit
* Soya * Using 8 bits stencil buffer

* Soya * version 0.14
* Using OpenGL 1.5.8 NVIDIA 96.43.13
*   - renderer : GeForce4 MX 440/AGP/SSE2
*   - vendor   : NVIDIA Corporation
*   - maximum number of lights        : 8
*   - maximum number of clip planes   : 6
*   - maximum number of texture units : 2
*   - maximum texture size            : 2048 pixels

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 38, in <module>
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'events'
* Soya3D * Quit... -- seems to be acting odd. -- doesn't seem to do anything (it closes inmediately the window)

deavid:~/git/soya/soya/tutorial$ python
* Soya * Using 8 bits stencil buffer

* Soya * version 0.14
* Using OpenGL 1.5.8 NVIDIA 96.43.13
*   - renderer : GeForce4 MX 440/AGP/SSE2
*   - vendor   : NVIDIA Corporation
*   - maximum number of lights        : 8
*   - maximum number of clip planes   : 6
*   - maximum number of texture units : 2
*   - maximum texture size            : 2048 pixels

Mass: 50.0
Center of Gravity: (0.0, 5.4000000953674316, -9.0)
Inertia Tensor: ((511.0, 512.0, 513.0), (512.0, 522.0, 523.0), (513.0,
523.0, 533.0))
* Soya3D * Quit... -- seems to work (not at all, though), but says:
DeprecationWarning: The content of this module is now in the soya
  warnings.warn("The content of this module is now in the soya
module.", DeprecationWarning)

Pudding stuff won't work:
deavid:~/git/soya/soya/tutorial$ python
* Soya * Using 8 bits stencil buffer

* Soya * version 0.14
* Using OpenGL 1.5.8 NVIDIA 96.43.13
*   - renderer : GeForce4 MX 440/AGP/SSE2
*   - vendor   : NVIDIA Corporation
*   - maximum number of lights        : 8
*   - maximum number of clip planes   : 6
*   - maximum number of texture units : 2
*   - maximum texture size            : 2048 pixels

* Soya Pudding * Version: 0.1-0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 52, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/soya/pudding/",
line 25, in __init__ = []
AttributeError: attribute 'events' of 'soya._soya.MainLoop' objects is
not writable
* Soya3D * Quit... and -- They fail inside the laser class
with this error, and laser won't appear.
Exception exceptions.UnboundLocalError: "local variable 'direct'
referenced before assignment" in 'soya._soya.PythonCoordSyst._render'
ignored -- fails with the following message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 40, in <module>
    class InterpolatingBody(soya.Cal3dBody):
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Cal3dBody'
* Soya3D * Quit...

The rest of tutorials are working with the last changes.

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