Hi all,

Nobody here ? Every one disconnected for christmas holliday season ?

I am struggling with my simulation game.  This is a marble racing game that 
looks like ode-collision-8-terrain.py tutorial.

Actually, if you toggle this turial in wireframe mode, you will see some of my 
issues (let simulation lasts a while).

1) Slow :
The simulation is too slow, as in a planet with low gravity. I noticed ode 
stepsize = soya round_duration. Effectively, reducing round_duration under 
0.005 is better but still not perfect (seems to be less stable). I suspect 
that visting world during each round (begin, advance, and end) make a latency 
between ode stepping, and so fluidity/realism of simulation is bounded by this 
round visiting mechanism. Correct or not ?

2) Jiterring :
Looks like the ball is some time "bouncy and dancing", small pops with small 
linear and angular  velocity. Occurs at low energy (when balls are very slow), 
and frequency of contact is very high. Seems quite random (more "bouncy" when 
CFM is higher).

3) Violent popping :
Can occurs at medium-low energy, when rolling, receiving a very stong vertical 
impulse (generally angular velocity is low).
Other case is terrain collision at medium-high energy when angle with contact 
normal is in the midle (neither horizontal, nor vertical collision).
Tried to fix with "contact_max_correcting_velocity", but doesn't work as I 

4) Falling :
Some time balls are falling (rare) with no apparent reason.
I noticed that when stepsize is longer and whith certain size ratio betwen 
sphere and terrain surfaces, it is more frequent.

=> All these are show stopper for my game idea (except 1) that could be Ok). I 
tried several stability tricks from ode documentation, some seems to work a 
little, some time i didn't notice any effect (as if ode binding was "silently" 
broken), but never achieved something really stable.
=> I don't know how to debug/help, we are in Pyrex and ode binding black 
=> I suspect matrix random computation insatbility (error margin), or Terrain 
Collider weird integration with ode that could be at the heart of problem, but 
the code seems to complicated for me.
=> Could someone help me ?

Best Regards

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