
I want the same World to be seen by different camera, alternately. In fact, 
this is a a turn game with several player, and each player should see the 
world by its third person Camera.

Another last camera should be a fixed top view of the World, where menu is 

My question is how react soya when several camera are in the world (or in 
several world)? Is soya calling every camera to render there own view 
(possibly not disaplyed in a viewport)? Is there a perfromance penalty to do 
so ? Or is soya able to elect one at a time, and in this case, how soya decide 
which is the active camera (first found, last called) ?

Actually, I don't know if I should use only one camera and move it around, or 
if I should place and move several ones, and switch display from one to 
another depending of gameplay event (prefer this approach but don't know how 
to switch and perfromance impact).



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