On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 04:34:07PM +0100, Samarth Agarwal wrote:
> The lgpl license is an license similar to the gpl
> while the gpl enforces that all variations are gpl

Yes, I'm aware of licence stuff: most of my day job code are published under an
LGPL licence, I'm a contributor to GPL one and user of multiple MIT licended 

> Also i might use soya3d for an commercial project
> I am planning to go with opengl but might switch to soya3d

We'll be happy to help people, and have new soya contributor to wake the
project up. But you should told us more about this project to convince us it
worth a licence change.

Make sure you are aware that soya3d is a fairly old piece of code and are quite
out of sync with the current 3D state of art.

You should be able to meet some soya licence holder on the freenode IRC
netword. Join the #soya channel to meet them.

See you soon.

Pierre-Yves David

Soya-user mailing list

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