On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 08:27:27PM +0800, Colin Coe wrote:
> Apologies all for the intrusion but would this thread (and the actions
> descibed within) cause http://spacewalk.redhat.com/yum/0.8/RHEL/5 to go
> missing?  I'm rebuilding my dev box and
> http://spacewalk.redhat.com/yum/0.8/RHEL/5 not being found is something of a
> problem.  http://spacewalk.redhat.com/yum/0.8/Fedora exists but not
> http://spacewalk.redhat.com/yum/0.8/RHEL.

Nope, this is not related.

Responsible parties have been notified and we hope for a timely

Apologies for the troubles caused,

Jan Pazdziora
Principal Software Engineer, Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

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