
in the past couple of weeks, I've been looking at the status of
PostgreSQL database backend for Spacewalk, trying to get it install
and at least start.

I've summarized my findings at


and I've also linked this page from HowToInstall, so please consider
this to be the primary resource for the PostgreSQL port. All the
other pages are describing the situation back for Spacewalk 0.6.

The overview is:

- You should be able to install Spacewalk with PostgreSQL backend and
  get to /rhn/YourRhn.do web page.
- You should not expect anything beyond that; even this page will give
  you error popups for those panes.
- It only works on Fedora 12.
- You need to patch spacewalk-java to remove reference to blob
  columns to start tomcat6 -- link to 1.1.21 packages with this patch
  is provided.
  - Better solution is needed.
- You should get the WebUI ...
- ... and then it's just business as usual -- fix bugs that you see in
  catalina.out and other logs.
  - For example, we will need to do something about sysdate. ;-)
- I've listed TODOs in the page. Please send patches addressing those
  - I feel that we should focus on the sanity and sustainability first,
    or we will end up with uninstallable port in a while again.

I hope that we are (again) in the state when we are ready to accept
contributions to the PostgreSQL port. Let the comments and patches

PS: If I'm not responding right away, it's because I'm taking rest,
not because I'm ignoring you.

Jan Pazdziora
Principal Software Engineer, Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

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