Duncan Mac-Vicar P. wrote:
% On 04/02/14 00:04, Duncan Mac-Vicar P. wrote:
% > Here is the latest patch for the date picker. Feedback welcome!
% >
% I just realized the patch above contains a javascript file that is not
% used (a picker implementation used in the first experiments). Here are
% the patches with that file removed.

Hello Duncan,

New date picker looks much better than current one nevertheless I have
couple of comments.

Usability glitches:
- date changes correctly accroding to localization but time is always
  12 hour a.m./p.m. in any localization
- week starts on Sunday in all localizations
- clicking on calendar icon pops-up date picker but clicking on clock
  icon doesn't pop-up time picker
- calendar pops above picker, time pulls down
- if I click for the first time to date calendar doesn't highlight
  currently selected date (it highlights always today)
- calendar should close when I click choosen date (or at least at

- What are fn.datepicker.dates arrays needed for? It looks like a kind
  of localization but AFAIK bootstrap datepicker cares about
  localization itself (language option).
- bootstrap-datepicker / jquery.timepicker css and js should not be in
  branding or web but in a separate package which is required by branding.
- What's the benefit of combining bootstrap datepicker with jquery
  timepicker over some bootstrap datetimepicker ([1], [2]) which does

Michael Mráka
Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

[1] http://tarruda.github.io/bootstrap-datetimepicker/
[2] http://www.malot.fr/bootstrap-datetimepicker/

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