Duncan Mac-Vicar P. wrote:
% See attached patches.
% They fix
% - time localization
% - first day of the week
% - clicking on time picker
% - autoclose
% - move the libraries to separate package

Hello Duncan,

I've reviewed and committed date picker patches. Although I have some
objections I've decided to fix it rather then send it back and forth.

% +    private String toPhpTimeFormat(String format) {
% +        String ret = format.replaceAll("(a)+", "a");
% +        ret = ret.replaceAll("(H)\\1+", "H");
% +        ret = ret.replaceAll("(H)", "G");

This is wrong. It will replace HH with H and immediately H with G which
is most likely not what you meant.

% +        // k (0-24) not supported, convert to the 0-23 format
% +        ret = ret.replaceAll("(k)\\1+", "H");
% +        ret = ret.replaceAll("(k)", "G");
% +        // K (0-11) not supported, convert to the 1-12 format
% +        ret = ret.replaceAll("(k)\\1+", "h");
% +        ret = ret.replaceAll("(k)", "g");

This should likely be (K) not (k).

% +        ret = ret.replaceAll("(h)\\1+", "h");
% +        ret = ret.replaceAll("(h)", "g");

Again hh is replaced with h and immediately h with g.

% +        ret = ret.replaceAll("(m)+", "i");
% +        ret = ret.replaceAll("(s)+", "s");
% @@ -159,15 +192,18 @@ public class DateTimePickerTag extends TagSupport {
%          HtmlTag dateAddon = createInputAddonTag("date", "fa fa-calendar");

For icons there's IconTag which ensures consistent usage of icons.
(So that one won't use fa-calendar while others use fa-calendar-o.)

% +    /**
% +     * Convert day java.util.Calendar constants
% +     * (for which we can't assume a fixed value)
% +     * to an index usable by the javascript picker.
% +     *
% +     * @return the equivalent index for the javascript
% +     * picker
% +     */
% +    private int getJavascriptPickerDayIndex(int calIndex) throws 
IllegalArgumentException {
% +        switch (calIndex) {
% +            case Calendar.SUNDAY:    return 0;
% +            case Calendar.MONDAY:    return 1;
% +            case Calendar.TUESDAY:   return 2;
% +            case Calendar.WEDNESDAY: return 3;
% +            case Calendar.THURSDAY:  return 4;
% +            case Calendar.FRIDAY:    return 5;
% +            case Calendar.SATURDAY:  return 6;
% +            default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid day " + 
% +        }
% +    }

I think such switch statement is really overkill. Yes, in theory
calendar constant values may change in the future but in fact they are pretty
solid for couple of years now. 

% +    private String toWeirdDateFormat(String format) {
% +        String ret = format.replaceAll("(M)\\1\\1\\1+", "MM");
% +        ret = ret.replaceAll("MMM", "M");
% +        ret = ret.replaceAll("MM", "mm");
% +        ret = ret.replaceAll("M", "m");

Exactly the same problem I described in toPhpTimeFormat().
MMMM is replaced by MM which is then replaced by mm.
MMM is replaced by M which is then replaced by m.

% +        ret = ret.replaceAll("(E)\\1\\1\\1+", "DD");
% +        ret = ret.replaceAll("E+", "D");
% +        ret = ret.replaceAll("(D)\\1+", "dd");
% +        ret = ret.replaceAll("D", "d");

And again EEEE to DD to dd.

% +        ret = ret.replaceAll("(y)\\1\\1\\1+", "yyyy");
% +        ret = ret.replaceAll("y+", "yy");
% +        return ret;
% +    }

And again.

% +    private void writePickerHtml(Writer out) throws IOException {
% +        HtmlTag timeAddon = createInputAddonTag("time", "fa fa-clock-o");
% +
% +        HtmlTag timeInput = new HtmlTag("input");
% +        //dateInput.setAttribute("value", data.getDate().toString());
% +        timeInput.setAttribute("type", "text");
% +        timeInput.setAttribute("class", "form-control");
% +        timeInput.setAttribute("id", data.getName() + 
% +
% +        HtmlTag tzAddon = new HtmlTag("span");
% +        tzAddon.setAttribute("id", data.getName() + "_tz_input_addon");
% +        tzAddon.setAttribute("class", "input-group-addon");
% +        tzAddon.addBody(
% +                data.getCalendar().getTimeZone().getDisplayName(
% +                        false, TimeZone.SHORT, data.getLocale()));
% +
% +        HtmlTag col2 = new HtmlTag("div");
% +        col2.setAttribute("class", "col-md-5");
% +
% +        group.addBody(dateAddon);
% +        group.addBody(dateInput);
% +        if (!data.getDisableTime()) {
% +            group.addBody(timeAddon);
% +            group.addBody(timeInput);
% +            group.addBody(tzAddon);
% +        }

Whole timeAddon and timeInput should be better placed inside the if block.
So they aren't even generated when they aren't used later.

% +    private void writeI18NMap(Writer out) throws IOException {
% +        // generate i18n for the picker here
% +        DateFormatSymbols syms = data.getDateFormatSymbols();
% +        out.append("<script type='text/javascript'>\n");
% +        out.append("$.fn.datepicker.dates['" + data.getLocale() + "'] = 
% +        out.append("days: [ \n");
% +        out.append(String.format("  '%s'", 
% +        out.append(String.format(",  '%s'", 
% +        out.append(String.format(",  '%s'", 
% +        out.append(String.format("  '%s'", 
% +        out.append(String.format(",  '%s'", 
% +        out.append(String.format(",  '%s'", 

Oops, this is why loops were invented.

%  public class HtmlTag extends BaseTag {
% +    private static final String[] VOID_ELEMENTS = new String[] {
% +        "area", "base", "br", "col", "command", "embed", "hr", "img",
% +        "input", "keygen", "link", "meta", "param", "source", "track", 
% +    public boolean isVoidElement() {
% +        for (String voidElem : VOID_ELEMENTS) {
% +            if (getTag().equals(voidElem)) {
% +                return true;
% +            }
% +        }
% +        return false;
% +    }

This isn't very efficient. For every non-void tag (i.e. majority of tags) it
loops over the whole array. A simple set which implements member() would
be more appropriate.

% +    /**
% +     * {@inheritDoc}
% +     */
% +    @Override
% +    public String render() {
% +        StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
% +        ret.append(renderOpenTag());
% +        if (isVoidElement()) {
% +          ret.deleteCharAt(ret.length() - 1);
% +          ret.append(">");

">" should likely be "/>" otherwise it produce opening tags not self
closed tags.


Michael Mráka
Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

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