"dogface" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> i just thought i'd waste more bandwidth with yet another unanswered
> post. this will be the 4th time i have posted this question. i
> expect it will be the 4th time i do not get any kind of a response.
> i gather that SA people have an issue with postfix.  most emails i
> have read about postfix and SA go unanswered. i have scoured the net
> looking for answers because of the lack of help i've received.  and
> yet have not even come close to resolving this question. even though
> i would really love to use SA on my server for my users because of
> the excellent job it does, i am facing the fact that i will need to
> use something else that has a UI that each user can goto and set
> their own configuration

Let's see.  Here are some possible strategies for getting a difficult
question answered here.  I think these strategies apply generally to
most mailing lists and public forums.  You know, those places where
people help you for free.

Option 1. Realize that not many people on this mailing list use
          postfix, so nobody is readily able to help me.

Option 2. Perhaps there is another way for me to use SpamAssassin or
          perhaps I am asking the wrong question.

Option 3. I have not provided enough information for postfix users to
          be sufficiently motivated to help me, so I will read more
          documentation and provide more useful information in my next

Option 4. I may be asking a simple question or a FAQ.  Maybe I should
          RTFM, check the project's home page, or do a little bit of
          search work on Google.

Option 5. Post a rude message postulating that the SA developers have
          "an issue" with postfix and are unhelpful.  Add further
          encouragement by repeatedly asking the same question and see
          how developers respond to threat to "use something else".

Hint: option 5 will not take you far.


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