And here is the answer...exactly like what I thought could be done.

On Tue, 17 Sep 2002, Mike Leone wrote:

> > Well, then few people know how to use SA with postfix. I use SA with
> > procmail. Of course, I won't be able to help you.
> There's a webpage somewhere that explicitly lists how to call SA from
> postfix as a content filter. 
> First Google hit on "postfix spamassassin content filter". :-)
> Me, I use amavisd-new to virus scan emails from postfix, which also calls
> SA (amavisd- new is also written in perl, and so just calls SA as if it's
> another module). 
> It can *just* call SA, and not virus scan. Google for amavisd-new's
> homepage. Mark Martinec, the author, is a nice guy, and very active on the
> postfix list, the amavis list, and - less occasionally - here on the SA
> list.
> > > G. from where i stand. a simple "no" or "cant be done" is Way
> > > better than nothing.
> > 
> > A "no" or "can't be done" would be a lie. I'm not going to lie to you.
> > I'm sure what you propose can be done, given sufficient will and a
> > little bit of coding. So the answer is "Yes, it can be done, but I
> > don't know if anyone's done it."
> See above. :-)

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