I missed the original question...I'm assuming that someone wants to 
integrate SA into postfix without using procmail?

My answer would be to try the /etc/postfix/master.cf file.  In that file, 
you have options to pipe smtp sent mail through various options...in fact, 
it is through this file that i have set up amavis for virus scanning.  I 
would imagine that piping through SA could be done similarly.

On Tue, 17 Sep 2002, SpamTalk wrote:

> I would sack postfix before SA. Was any attempt made to query a postfix
> mailing list?
> Since postfix is installed, I assume that sendmail is not a viable
> alternative (to be honest I am waiting for the next release of amvis or
> spamass-milter. Someone mention mime-defang milter also supports SA but I am
> not sure what else it does, haven't had time to research it).
> Exim has support for SA and is supposed to install reasonably easy and there
> is at least on person on this list that appears to be intimately familiar
> with SA/Exim.
> When your looking for free, you have to be flexible. If you cant replace
> postfix, front end it couple boxes dedicated to running
> SA+Supported-MTA-of-your-choice. You don't say what your message volume is,
> but Wal-mart
> http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.gsp?product_id=1957333&cat=3951&type=
> 19&dept=3944
> has a mid-tower
> 800Mhz 128 MB memory
> 10 GB hard drive
> CD-ROM drive
> Integrated 10/100 Ethernet connection
> LindowsOS operating system
> Modem and floppy disk drive are not included
> should handle a moderate volume.
> Redhat purports to support clustering, and when I get SA integrated into
> production I am going to explore the next step of a load-balanced SA
> cluster.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Duncan Findlay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 8:29 PM
> Subject: Re: [SAtalk] (No Subject) is there a user-admin for SA with postfix
> On Tue, Sep 17, 2002 at 05:58:11PM -0500, dogface wrote:
> > from what i have read on this list
> > i would of expected nothing less than
> > the response i got from you.
> I'm confused. This mailing list is generally quite informative.
> > A. after 3 posts maybe someone could have said
> > that there are no options for what i am asking.
> After 2 posts, I would have assumed that what I am asking has not been done,
> not that everyone on the mailing list is being particularly unhelpful.
> However, you aren't the only one that's come to this conclusion recently.
> Perhaps we need a FAQ or warning somewhere as
> follows:
> Q. Why has my question not been answered? Should I ask again?
> A. We don't know the answer or you have not provided sufficient information.
> [insert info on what to provide]. Unless you have more info to add, please
> do not ask again for at least one week. If you still do not get a reply,
> assume nobody knows the answer to your problem. If you manage to solve your
> problem on your own, please mail the list and explain what your problem was
> and how you fixed it so that people with your problem in the future will be
> able to find an answer.
> > B. i already said that i read all i could find because
> > i did not get any help from this list. i have been RTFM'ing for over a 
> > month. google is your friend.
> Great.
> > C. postfix rules.
> Don't start a flamewar, please.
> > D. i would be very willing to give more information if
> > i would have gotten ANY kind of a response telling me to
> > give specifics on whatever they needed to know to help me.
> Perhaps you should have just given this extra info (too much info is better
> than not enough).
> > E. do a search on google about SA and postfix. you will see a LOT of 
> > questions from people, Very few if even that on answers.
> Well, then few people know how to use SA with postfix. I use SA with
> procmail. Of course, I won't be able to help you.
> > F. there was no threat. i need to do whatever i can do to help my 
> > users out. if SA cant do the job, i have no choice but to find 
> > something that can. how is that a threat? that's like owning a FORD 
> > that cant make it all the way to work everyday, or find an OLDS that 
> > Will. where is the threat? i have an issue that need to be resolved.
> Agreed, there's no threat. Please don't say you have an issue that you need
> to have resolved. We have no obligation to help you, demanding it is only
> making us less likely to help.
> > G. from where i stand. a simple "no" or "cant be done" is Way better 
> > than nothing.
> A "no" or "can't be done" would be a lie. I'm not going to lie to you. I'm
> sure what you propose can be done, given sufficient will and a little bit of
> coding. So the answer is "Yes, it can be done, but I don't know if anyone's
> done it."
> It certainly is impratical for everyone to respond in such a manner every
> time someone posts to the list, not to mention it being a waste of bandwidth
> and everyone's time. You really don't want 200 messages all saying "I'm sure
> it could be done, but I don't know how"

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