hey mike,

SA works Great with postfix.
what i am looking for is a web interface for
each user to be able to change their SA preferences
with. there is already something for this called user-admin
but it was made for qmail + vpopmail. this is where i run
into a problem. i do not use either of those.

postfix does exactly what i need the MTA to do and more.

i actually have 2 postfix's running on the incoming
mail server. the first one gets the mail and filters out
some spammers domains that i have in a header_checks
file. then it pipes it to an anti-virus program. that cleans the
email of any virus it might have. then the anti-virus program
pipes it to the second postfix where it pipes it to procmail.
then it goes into the spool for the user.

don't misunderstand me, SA is a great program.

i just need to allow each user to set their preferences
through some web interface. some people want to
filter the spam, some don't, some want to filter it one
week and then change their minds the next week.

with the web interface the user can choose to turn
the spam filtering on or off, set the point value, choose
to just tag the spam or delete the email if it gets tagged
as spam. bla bla... :)

admittedly i can now see i was a tad snide.
i offer my apologies to the list and the developers.

i hope this other info helps

every passing minute is another
chance to turn it all around
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Burger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "SpamTalk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 10:17 PM
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] RE: postfix issues (was: No Subject)

I missed the original question...I'm assuming that someone wants to
integrate SA into postfix without using procmail?

My answer would be to try the /etc/postfix/master.cf file.  In that file,
you have options to pipe smtp sent mail through various options...in fact,
it is through this file that i have set up amavis for virus scanning.  I
would imagine that piping through SA could be done similarly.

On Tue, 17 Sep 2002, SpamTalk wrote:

> I would sack postfix before SA. Was any attempt made to query a postfix
> mailing list?
> Since postfix is installed, I assume that sendmail is not a viable
> alternative (to be honest I am waiting for the next release of amvis or
> spamass-milter. Someone mention mime-defang milter also supports SA but I
> not sure what else it does, haven't had time to research it).
> Exim has support for SA and is supposed to install reasonably easy and
> is at least on person on this list that appears to be intimately familiar
> with SA/Exim.
> When your looking for free, you have to be flexible. If you cant replace
> postfix, front end it couple boxes dedicated to running
> SA+Supported-MTA-of-your-choice. You don't say what your message volume
> but Wal-mart
> 19&dept=3944
> has a mid-tower
> 800Mhz 128 MB memory
> 10 GB hard drive
> CD-ROM drive
> Integrated 10/100 Ethernet connection
> LindowsOS operating system
> Modem and floppy disk drive are not included
> should handle a moderate volume.
> Redhat purports to support clustering, and when I get SA integrated into
> production I am going to explore the next step of a load-balanced SA
> cluster.

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