dogface said:
> hey mike,
> SA works Great with postfix.
> what i am looking for is a web interface for
> each user to be able to change their SA preferences

So what you want really has nothing to do with postfix, or whatever MTA
you are running. I got it now.

> i actually have 2 postfix's running on the incoming
> mail server. the first one gets the mail and filters out
> some spammers domains that i have in a header_checks
> file. then it pipes it to an anti-virus program. that cleans the
> email of any virus it might have. then the anti-virus program
> pipes it to the second postfix where it pipes it to procmail.
> then it goes into the spool for the user.

So procmail calls SA, then?

Don't think there is a web interface for SA rules/options.

BTW ... why 2 instances of postifx? If you use amavisd-new, you could
virus scan, and SA scan, with 1 instance. You'd still have your problem of
no web interface for per-user customization of SA rules, but you'd
eliminate a whole running instance of your MTA.

I used to use header_checks for spam fighting, too; now I just use a list
of RBL maps, and SA. Actually works better for me. :-) I leave only
executable attachment blocking to my header_checks now, and amavisd-new
uses f-prot to scan all the remaining attachments/emails.

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