On Fri, Oct 04, 2002 at 03:16:37PM -0400, Sunil William Savkar wrote:
> However, Spamassassin itself does not have support for reporting spam back
> to razor.

Sure it does.

> Thus, if I just want the benefits of the razor blacklists, I am set.  If I
> want to start to contribute, then I need to set up for sending back
> information to razor...
> am I right or completely wrong?

the latter:

$ man spamassassin
       -r, --report
           Report this message as verified spam.  This will
           submit the mail message read from STDIN to vari- ous
           spam-blocker databases.  Currently, these are Vipul's Razor (
           http://razor.sourceforge.net/ ) and the Distributed Checksum
           Clearinghouse ( http://www.rhyolite.com/anti-spam/dcc/ ).

           If the message contains SpamAssassin markup, this will be
           stripped out automatically before sub- mission.  The support
           modules for DCC and Razor must be installed for spam to be
           reported to each service.

Randomly Generated Tagline:
"I work out at the He's Dead Gym."         - unknown

Attachment: msg08424/pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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