
Let's break this up into smaller pieces...

On Tue, 3 Jun 2003 20:17:21 -0500 "Marge Golomb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I do not want spamassassin - I called my ISP and they do not subscribe
> to you. I emailed them and they know nothing about you.

To be fair, we know nothing about you or your ISP either, 'we' being
subscribers to  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, a mailing
list composed of people who build and use SpamAssassin. Unless members
of your ISP's mail team are on this mailing list, nobody on this list
has any control over what happens to your email.

Now, one of three things have probably happened:

1. You've (or someone else using your computer) has installed SAProxy or
some other SpamAssassin client for Windows. I doubt this is the case.

2. Your ISP has installed SpamAssassin and is tagging your mail with it.
That's not listed at
and a Google search shows nothing to that effect. Not being a CenturyTel
customer or employee I can't say for sure; it's possible.

3. An ISP you're sending mail to or receiving mail from is using
SpamAssassin. Entirely possible and getting more likely every day.

The only way to know for sure is for you to send along a sample message
including all the mail headers, especially the Received: lines. If
you're not sure how to do that, see
http://support.netfronts.com/email/headers.htm for instructions.

Without any sample email, we're only guessing at what the problem is and
the information we have so far doesn't really suggest a solution.

> I found you on my computer, deleted you, and 3 days later you are back
> again. I want you off my computer - if I want my email checked, I will
> check it myself!  Let me know how to get rid of you ASAP!

Send an example of the mail you're getting that's been tagged by
SpamAssassin (remember the to send the headers as well) and we'll try to
get to the bottom of this.

One other question - how did you find the
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> mailing list?


-- Bob

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