| Oh -- BTW -- something occurred to me.   There *IS* an API that
| milter/MTA-plugin developers can use to specify this info to SpamAssassin,
| after all.   It's just implicit and hadn't occurred to me before.
| Our all_spam_to, etc. black/whitelisting code will check the following
| headers, since about SpamAssassin v2.40:
|       X-Envelope-From:        for the MAIL FROM: SMTP command
|       X-Envelope-To:          for the RCPT TO: SMTP command
| Some MTAs already create those headers, which is why they're already
| supported.  If an MTA plugin adds these headers, it will allow
| white/blacklisting to work correctly with the SMTP data.   
| And for completeness:
|       X-HELO:                 for the HELO SMTP command
| hey, why not, it'll make a good Bayes token ;)

Good! Let's put this to practice. The next version of amavisd-new
is promised in one week (July 16), and I can probably just stash it in.

It's a slight complication because these headers must not remain
in the mail after SA check is done, so must be removed when forwarding
to the next MTA is performed, but that's ok, can be done.

(an extra argument to Mail::SpamAssassin::NoMailAudit::new would be cleaner,
e.g. (data => [EMAIL PROTECTED], add_From_line => 0,
      sender => $sender, recips => [EMAIL PROTECTED]);
but I can live with X-Envelope... :)

Since these headers are nonstandard, let's double-check the syntax
so that we are talking about the same thing:

X-Envelope-From: <"Bob \"Funny\" Dude"@example.com>

i.e. angle-bracketed rfc2821-quoted envelope sender address. Right?



X-Envelope-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-Envelope-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-Envelope-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



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