Leon Oosterwijk Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 12:45 PM

> I'd like to set up a couple such honeypots and see what the level of
> attraction is they get. Perhaps this would make a good research project.

I was curious as to how many spams actually had unsub links. So I flipped
through my last 40 SA flagged messages. I setup a honeypot address and it's
the only address I submitted to any of the unsub pages. Here is the
distribution of what I found:

Successful submit, via email: 2
Successful submit, via web: 19
Failed (Mysql errors, 404s, unresolved domains, etc.): 11
No Unsub Link: 8

I'll monitor the honeypot address and see where it goes. I too am curious.


Colin A. Bartlett
Kinetic Web Solutions

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