On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, Rajdeep Larha stipulated:
> Hi Jennifer,
> I read your mail. But this is something little above it. There are certain
> words in 20_porn.cf. When I use only those words even then the rating given
> is too low. I used 5 words from the list in same case.. even then the mail
> was given only 1.4 points...Any idea?
> I can write my won rules but ....the already existing are not working up to
> the mark...they are liberal even if exact word in exact case is used.

The rules built into SA are not designed to give >5.0 points if the mail
contains bad words. They're designed to give >5.0 points if the mail is
spam, and there is plenty of nonspam that uses no bad words at all.

You'll have to either define your own rules or bump the scores on those
(via `score' directives in a config file in /etc/mail/spamassassin/).
Changing the required_hits value will lead to *very* poor performance
(e.g. 2.0 would have led to ~5% of your nonspam being erroneously
classified as spam!)

`Me, I want exploding spaceships and pulverized worlds and clashes of
 billion-year-old empires *and* competently written sentences.'
                                                    --- Matt Austern

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