> > Last time this happened I had to rebuild the databases. This time I
> > thought I'd wait a bit to hear from people before I "destroyed" the
> > evidence.
> >
> > Really is a very annoying problem with a first class product.
> cant say in your caase but the only time I have ever had this is when i was 
> manually tinkering with my files shile spamassassin was accessing them.
> fortunately though there is an easy fix in that if you keep a corpus of 
> spam/ham handy you can just relearn it. Only takes a few minutes at most. 

That's not really what I call an easy fix. Right now I'm getting 800 spams
a day. (Doubled in recent weeks.) That's just to my account. Part of this
problem seems to have something to do with spam arriving during the
"learning". So, yes, I could rebuild, something that takes 30-45 mintues,
but last time it took several tries. Worse is that I wind up with a
significant number of false negatives before I even discover the problem.

Besides, this SHOULDN'T happen. 


Jack Gostl      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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