
I got odd issue with one of my smtp box  and I got some problems
finding the culprit out. The problem is that it takes
ages for smptd prompt to appear:

# telnet localhost 25
[... wait, wait, wait ...]
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 Welcome to mail delivery server ESMTP

The wait time vary but is often 60+ secs, so MUA with default 60 secs 
timeout complain.

All is started that way:

${TCPSERVER} -v -l ${HOSTNAME} -H -R -c 500 -u 1004 -g 1003 0 smtp 
${SPAMDYKE} ${SMTPD} ${MYNAME} ${CHECKPASSSMTP} /bin/true 2>&1 | cat 
/dev/null &

(Variables are fine), my name is `hostname` output and resolves both 
ways. Sometimes (frequently enough to not ignore it) I also see
max number of instances of app invoked by tcpserver (usually
503) but at the same time the log does not indicate such
increase of traffic (usually there are 30-40).  At the same time there's 
said delay, launching ./qmail-smtp by hand shows no delay, so I suspect 
tcpserver or spamdyke steps (or something they relay on). My first guess 
was dns, but there's caching dns running locally plus I disabled 
whatever I could to make tcpserver staying away from resolving anything. 
Spamdyke config holds dns-level=none for the same purpose. Any ideas?

"Daddy, what "Formatting drive C:" means?"...

Marcin             http://wfmh.org.pl/carlos/
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