On Fri, 2 Sep 2011 12:08:07 -0700, "Michael J. Colvin"
<mcol...@norcalisp.com> wrote:
> If it is *ALWAYS* the same amount of time, I'd look at the Greeting
> (OR whatever it's called) in SpamDyke, or something similar.

No it varies. I can be even instant from time to time but in general
there is a delay

> If it varies, and increases during peak times, I'd suspect a resource
> issue...Concurrent connections maxed out, SMTP connections maxed, etc...

> If
> you look at the MRTG graphs that are part of the QMT package, you can
> usually easily see when you've got a connection limitation.  The graph
> peak up and flatline, then drop down again.

I do not use QMT, but I suspect that problem occurs before qmail and 
either tcpserver or spamdyke does something that triggers the issue.
But I at the moment got empty head where to peek next. I even started
checking all these /proc/sys/fs and /proc/sys/net values looking
for something that may be too low.

If anyone got idea or suggestion where to peek or what type of test 
I should execute to push this forward I am all ears and willing.

Thanks for all the feedback guys.

 "Daddy, what "Formatting drive C:" means?"...

 Marcin                       http://wfmh.org.pl/carlos/
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