
I've been struggling to run PeptideProphet on phenyx generated pepXML

The error I get from PeptideProphet is "read in no data".  Full output
from the tool is as follows;

------------------ <BEGIN COMMANDLINE OUTPUT>-----------------
/usr/local/tpp-4-4-0/bin/xinteract  -Ninteract.pep.xml -p0 -eT -l7 -D/
sphuman_20101013_DECOY.fasta 206_pepxml.xml

/usr/local/tpp-4-4-0/bin/xinteract (TPP v4.4 VUVUZELA rev 0, Build
201010010955 (linux))

running: "/usr/local/tpp-4-4-0/bin/InteractParser 'interact.pep.xml'
'206_pepxml.xml' -D'/var/www/ISB/data/Databases/OnMascot/SPHuman/
sphuman_20101013_DECOY.fasta' -L'7' -E'trypsin'"
 file 1: 206_pepxml.xml
 processed altogether 182 results

 results written to file /var/www/ISB/data/Projects/TRegs/SP/Phenyx/

command completed in 3 sec

running: "/usr/local/tpp-4-4-0/bin/PeptideProphetParser
'interact.pep.xml' MINPROB=0"
 (PHENYX) (minprob 0)
WARNING!! The discriminant function for Phenyx is not yet complete.
It is presented here to help facilitate trial and discussion.
Reliance on this code for publishable scientific results is not
init with PHENYX trypsin
MS Instrument info: Manufacturer: ThermoFinnigan, Model: default,
Ionization: FIXME, Analyzer: FIXME, Detector: FIXME

 PeptideProphet  (TPP v4.4 VUVUZELA rev 0, Build 201010010955 (linux))
 read in 0 1+, 0 2+, 0 3+, 0 4+, 0 5+, 0 6+, and 0 7+ spectra.
 read in no data

command "/usr/local/tpp-4-4-0/bin/PeptideProphetParser
'interact.pep.xml' MINPROB=0" exited with non-zero exit code: 256
QUIT - the job is incomplete

------------------ <END COMMANDLINE OUTPUT>-----------------

Note that without the -eT option I get a crash (segmentation fault).
The enzyme specified inside the phenyx pepXML is

<sample_enzyme name="Trypsin_(KR_noP)">

(to be honest I'm not sure if this means trypsin or stricttrypsin ...
but that's probably another issue as I get the error with -eS option
as well).

Could this error be caused by a lack of raw data files?  I ran the
phenyx searches on another computer and the file contains paths to raw
data on that computer.  I did try fixing the paths (and copying the
raw data to a TPP accessible location) ... but that didn't work

I guess my question is what does "read in no data" mean?  Does data
refer to the original spectra, or does it refer to something in the
output of InteractParser (ie interact.pep.xml).

Any help at all on this issue would be much appreciated


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