After converting SQT file to pep.xml file, I ran the following

 xinteract  -Ninteract.pep.xml -p0.05 -l7 -O test5.pep.xml

Then, it crashed in some step. Here is the error message. I spent days
on it but the pipeline TPP still fails. Could anyone give me some

xinteract (TPP v4.4 VUVUZELA rev 1, Build 201106201323 (linux))

running: "/home/stow/swtree/stow/TPP-4.4.1/bin/InteractParser
'interact.pep.xml' 'test5.pep.xml' -L'7'"
 file 1: test5.pep.xml
 processed altogether 41651 results

 results written to file /home/kinfai/test5/interact.pep.shtml

command completed in 44 sec

running: "/home/stow/swtree/stow/TPP-4.4.1/bin/PeptideProphetParser
'interact.pep.xml' MINPROB=0.05"
)(mspire: ms-sequest
 not recognizedspire: ms-sequest

command "/home/stow/swtree/stow/TPP-4.4.1/bin/PeptideProphetParser
'interact.pep.xml' MINPROB=0.05" exited with non-zero exit code: 256
QUIT - the job is incomplete

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