It might be helpful if you can provide the version numbers of
ActivePerl, TPP and Apache to us.

I use
to log-in. Perhaps it will work for you too.

ps. I am not a TPP developer and have just as much trouble trying to
get TPP to work ;)


On Nov 17, 9:27 am, Gloria <> wrote:
> I am trying to install TPP using Windows XP.  I followed all
> instructions:  1.  Installed latest ActivePerl  2.  Went through TPP
> Wizard, including installation of Apache on Port 80 (default option).
> 3.  Multiple reboots of computer.
> The problem is when I try to connect to TPP (after double-clicking on
> the "Petunia"), Firefox will not connect.  I tried these addresses:
> http://localhost/tpp-bin/
> http://localhost:80/tpp-bin/
> http://localhost:1441/tpp-bin/
> Yet, each try results in an "Unable to connect" error.
> Searching through past feeds was a bit confusing, so any help would be
> much appreciated!
> Gloria

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