
In review of SPDX specification (, I'm not seeing a clear annotation 
for U.S. Public Domain. Could you please clarify if such a license currently 
exists and I have failed to understand or find it? Any links or clarification 

As a federal government employee involved with open source projects, I would 
like to understand if we can have a SPDX license for public domain or 
government works to better enable federal agencies to contribute code and make 
the licensing and copyright clear. There is currently an efforts to renew 
support for custom software code ( ensure all government 
produced works are clearly promoted and licensing is required to be open 
source. Having a license targeted at public domain, or specifically referencing 
government contribution, might promote and encourage open source licensing.

As you may be aware, for federal employees and most government agencies, the 
copyright is simply "This is a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject 
to copyright protection in the United States. Foreign rights may apply." that 
falls into the public domain. In terms of operational knowledge, that is also 
affected by the government contract with vendors, and how the rights are 
asserted and assumed. Reference:; It seems this new 
initiative - although one could simply state it is related to government 
failing to clearly mark contracted works as public domain - is to specifically 
assign an open source license approach, to assert specific copyright as the law 
allows agencies to do for specific needs. In this case, I pull that rationale 
from the linked sites as the  need to "enables Federal employees to work 
together-both within and across agencies-to reduce costs, streamline 
development, apply uniform standards, and ensure consistency in creating and 
delivering information.6<> Enhanced 
reuse of custom-developed code across the Federal Government can have 
significant benefits for American taxpayers, such as reducing Federal vendor 
lock-in,7<> decreasing duplicative 
costs for the same code, increasing transparency across the Federal Government, 
and minimizing the challenges associated with integrating large blocks of code 
from multiple sources."

I'm happy to make a recommendation on the SPDX format, if you care to respond 
and let me know if there have been additional discussions on this topic to be 
considered, if an existing license is recommended, or if in review you agree 
there is a need for such a specification.


Norman Robinson
Section 508 Program Manager
U.S. Department of State
IRM/BMP/Governance, Resource, and Performance Management (GRP)
SA-9 (American Red Cross Building) 2025 E Street, NW 4th Floor, Suite NE4026
Washington, DC<>
(202) 634-0301

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