
On Sun, Nov 26, 2017 at 7:56 AM, W. Trevor King <> wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 09:33:23PM +0000, Wheeler, David A wrote:
>> Many package managers use SPDX license expressions
>> to indicate the package license.  E.g., NPM does:
>> by using the "license:" field - which is *NOT* a SPDX license file.
>> According to <>, *just* the NPM ecosystem
>> has 550,951 modules as of Nov 24, with 535 new packages a day on
>> average.  I don't know what percentage of modules have a "license:"
>> entry (is someone willing to find out?) - but for discussion, I'll
>> guess it's at *least* 10%..  That would mean that there are 55,095
>> NPM packages that use SDPX license expressions.
> But how many of those authors would use a partial-conclusion syntax if
> it existed?
> I expect most npm package authors are also core developers for the
> packaged software and know the package license.  They won't need to be
> able to express a partial conclusion.
> Distibution-specific package managers, on the other hand, seem more
> likely to be third parties who are not directly related to the
> development team.  They are more likely to need to express partial
> conclusions.  Project developers who inherit an ambiguously-licensed
> package from some previous authors would be in the same boat.  In
> those cases, ideally they'd track down the copyright holders and get
> to the bottom of the licensing.  In the absence of that, they'd want
> some way to express their partial conclusions.
> I'm fine with the SPDX deciding that structured partial conclusions
> are out of scope, and leaving it to packaging systems, etc. to define
> their own (e.g. an array of SPDX license expressions with confidence
> scores).  Folks who extract license claims from those packages would
> have to write per-packaging-system tooling to convert the partial
> conclusion into their own format, but that's ok.  And if it turns out
> to be a problem, anyone can try to talk folks into whatever
> partial-conclusion model they prefer.
> I'm also fine with the SPDX defining it's own partial-conclusion model
> and syntax, and trying to talk folks into using it where appropriate.
> But I don't think the SPDX needs to take that up if it doesn't want
> to.

You are making an excellent argument against adding this to the syntax.
And I am with you there that it is OK to have it too, but unlikely needed.

Philippe Ombredanne

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