On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 2:33 PM, Lamons, Scott (Open Source Program
Office) <scott.lam...@hp.com> wrote:
> Thanks for updating this page.   In particular for adding the rationale for
> why tagging is important in the Introduction section.   For me, the main
> impetus of adding the license tag is to automate the production of accurate
> SPDX data.   To the extent that licensing headers are already included in
> the file I’m not a fan of replacing that with the tag – rather, I think our
> (the SPDX workgroup that is) recommendation or best practice should be that
> the tag should supplement the other licensing information.   But, in the
> end, it is the ultimate choice of the copyright holder of the software
> because they will  be the party implementing this should they choose to
> adopt.

Following this rational, would it be possible to recommend something
in the line of:


This file is licensed under the <SPDX_LICENSE_IDENTIFIER>

For more information see URL-TO-SPDX-WEB-SITE-WITH-iNFO


that makes three things explicit:

* It says where the license info in -file is (BEGIN, END_LICENSE)
* It explicitly states the file is licensed under the given licence
* It says where to get more information to understand what it means.

Jack's way of doing it, by just naming the license feels too cryptic
to me if I am reading the header, and does not
explicitly state it is the license under which the file is made
available to others



Daniel M. German
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