> Following this rational, would it be possible to recommend something in the 
> line of:
> This file is licensed under the <SPDX_LICENSE_IDENTIFIER>
> For more information see URL-TO-SPDX-WEB-SITE-WITH-iNFO
> that makes three things explicit:
> * It says where the license info in -file is (BEGIN, END_LICENSE)
> * It explicitly states the file is licensed under the given licence
> * It says where to get more information to understand what it means.

> Jack's way of doing it, by just naming the license feels too cryptic to me if 
> I am reading the header, and does not explicitly state it is the license 
> under which the file is made available to others

>From a programmer's perspective I think the "cryptic" approach is FAR 
>superior.  There are lots of tools that can quickly examine files and return 
>text with the pattern "SPDX-License-Identifier:  ", and other tools that can 
>trivially process the stuff after it.  The above alternative is more work to 
>process, and humans don't like unnecessary work :-).

If you want more boilerplate with the goal of enforceability, you might try a 
format that's trivial to process, e.g.:

SPDX-License-Notice:  This file is licensed under the following license(s):
SPDX-License-Identifier:  MIT

--- David A. Wheeler

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