>-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Peter Watkins
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 4:21 PM
Cc: specs@openid.net
Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] Handle "http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]" Style Identifiers
>Recordon, David wrote:
>> Involving DNS seems to make this too complex.  If we're going to involve
>> DNS, we might as well re-architect Yadis to use it as yet another
>> discovery option.
>Yes, the TXT proposal seems complex. I prefer Phillip's second
>suggestion, but I think something more unique would be advisable, e.g.
>so that organizations can more easily separate the OpenID IdP systems
>(hostname openid.MAILDOMAIN, web path /openid/) from any regular
>http/https offerings.
>It would be nice (see my 'concerns about each user having a unique
>"URL"' thread in the general openid list) if this could handle empty
>usernames, e.g. if users could claim an identifier like
>  @example.com
>to identify the IdP but let the IdP determine the user's identifier.

Peter, as I mentioned in my reply on the General list, this is how the
directed identity feature in OpenID Authentication 2.0 works. That was
David's original suggestion as I remember -- have OpenID RPs treat an email
address as simply an IdP name and execute the protocol from there.

Since the XRI TC is now working on specifying the email form of an XRI
(called an MXRI -- mailto XRI), this could work for both ordinary email
addresses and MXRI addresses. But that's only if we decide that using an
email address as an OpenID identifier makes sense, or if it just adds a new
layer of confusion (as others have noted).


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