We actually built some code some time ago to explore this. The basic insight was:

if we can do Yadis discovery on XRIs (which aren't rooted in DNS), then we can do Yadis discovery on any other kind of identifier, whether it's an e-mail address or an ISBN number or what have you -- and once we have a Yadis file for a given identifier, we are home free because it essentially maps that identifier into HTTP. We considered three or four different ways of doing Yadis resolution from e-mail addresses and the like, including the http:// [EMAIL PROTECTED]/ idea that David mentions; under the hood they are different, but what the user sees is the same.

Usability is the key problem here:
- we confuse the user because suddenly it's not URL-based identity any more - we confuse the user because users aren't clickable any more (except for a mailto: tag, which is confusing in its own right it most identities pop up a blog or home page) - we confuse the user because if I type the identifier into by browser's address bar, it pops up a phishing warning (!) instead of the user's home page.

We decided that for the time being, it was going to be much easier to educate users on the need to use URLs as identifiers, than to educate users to not be confused by the above behaviors.

The situation would change if, say, Mozilla and MSFT were performing Yadis discovery on e-mail-style identifiers, and directed the user to their (http) home page from a given e-mail address. Not impossible to imagine, but certainly not something to expect any century from now.

On Oct 20, 2006, at 13:44, Jonathan Daugherty wrote:

# I'm not actually proposing the IdP make an assertion about
# [EMAIL PROTECTED]  It would only be used during the discovery phase
# and then an assertion for a URL be returned.

Ok, I misunderstood.  But even in the case where the IdP makes an
assertion about a different identifier, that's confusing, too; you
enter something that looks like an email (and maybe your provider
tells you it even is), but you log into the site as something else,

  Jonathan Daugherty
  JanRain, Inc.
specs mailing list

Johannes Ernst
NetMesh Inc.

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