Rob said:
> okies ... little more detail..
> truing to fire up modem2 when modem1 is in use by ppp already :-
> albert#
> albert# /usr/local/bin/strace /usr/local/bin/modem_run -v 1 -d
> /dev/ugen1  -f /us
> r/local/libdata/mgmt.o -m
> <snip>
> open("/dev/ugen1.5", O_RDWR)            = 4
> ioctl(4, USB_SET_SHORT_XFER, 0xbfbfe664) = 0
> ioctl(4, USB_SET_TIMEOUT, 0xbfbfe690)   = 0
> read(4, 0xbfbfe6cc, 512)                = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Operation timed
> out) ioctl(4, USB_SET_TIMEOUT, 0xbfbfe690)   = 0
> write(4, "\210\370\0\0\0\0\362\1\r\0\0\352\f\0\0\352\v\0\0\352\n"...,
> 991^C  <unf
> inished ...>

Well it timed out earlier. Someone else on the list has had success with
increasing the timeout value in the #defines

64               #define CTRL_TIMEOUT 1000
65               #define DATA_TIMEOUT 1000

to 2000. It could be we are on the edge of a timeout value. Could you try
modifying and recompiling and see if you get any improvment (say 2000 for
the time being).

> kill ppp:
> try again :
> albert# /usr/local/bin/strace /usr/local/bin/modem_run -v 1 -d
> /dev/ugen1  -f /us
> r/local/libdata/mgmt.o -m
> <snip>
> ioctl(3, USB_SET_CONFIG, 0xbfbff6d8)    = 0
> ioctl(3, USB_SET_ALTINTERFACE, 0xbfbff6c0) = -1 EINVAL (Invalid
> argument) writev(2, [{"USB_SET_ALTINTERFACE", 20}, {": ", 2}, {"Invalid
> argument",  16}, {"
> \n", 1}], 4USB_SET_ALTINTERFACE: Invalid argument
> ) = 39
> writev(2, [{"pusb_set_interface", 18}, {": ", 2}, {"Invalid argument",
> 16},  {"\n
> ", 1}], 4pusb_set_interface: Invalid argument
> ) = 37
> sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, ~[ILL TRAP ABRT EMT FPE BUS SEGV SYS], []) = 0
> sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, [], NULL)      = 0
> exit(-1)                                = ?

Looks like we need to check the API on the BSD version of the pusb library.
Here I need to bow to a BSD expert. Any takers?

> It looks like this one fails here:
> ioctl(3, USB_SET_ALTINTERFACE, 0xbfbff6c0) = -1 EINVAL (Invalid
> argument)
> this is a call within pusb_set_interface  (in pusb-bsd.c)
> While I can fathom out C, I have no idea of the various system call
> usage  particularly with regard to USB to be able to debug this.

Man pages? I don't know the hereditary of the BSD USB codebase but it could
just be the structure passed via the ioctl is out of sync with the kernel
code. Time to browse the kernel code?


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