George Miliotis (Corfiot) wrote:
> William M. Quarles wrote:
>> Static route? Do you mean a static IP address? I really have no
>> clue what youare talking about. If you're talking about static IP
>> address, I don't haveone. And I don't understand what the route
>> command does or how it works.
> (Yes, I looked at the man page.) Peace, William Just type 'route' in
> a terminal before and after your pppd is up and paste the two
> results, maybe we can come up with something for you :)

Got it to work somehow.  Problem was editting my masquerading firewall 
script so that the device was ppp1 now instead of ppp0.  Thanks!

One more question for the list: how do I disconnect the modem?  Just 
unplugging it leaves the drivers loaded and reserved for a VERY long 
time;  I also can't recconnect after that, unless I wait for the drivers 
to clear for removal, or I reboot.

Thanks again in advance!

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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