On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 7:18 PM, Kevin Dunn <kgd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I use the same idea for my class notes - the students get one version
> and the projector notes get a different version. This is what I ended
> up doing it (there may be a better way!):

Thanks a lot, this will do for now, though I'll also reply to
Guenter's comments, which are very relevant.  As he points out,
unfortunately nested sections don't seem to work (if you were able to
make them work as you mention, I'd love to see how you did it, because
I couldn't).  But I ended up using this:

.. only:: instructor

   .. admonition:: Solution

      The solution is...

   .. literalinclude:: examples/wordfreqs.py

This at least gives me a little box for the description of the
solution (and boldface in pdf), and I can also include code fragments.

It will do for now, and it's very easy to use.  But I'd really like to
have a full solution to this, so we can also include section markup,
etc...  I need to get back to writing lecture notes so I'll use this
for now, but I'd love to hear more ideas if anyone has any.

Thank again, this does get me going though!



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