I ran into the same issue.  The consensus I found was that it isn't 
supported.  If you run on UNIX-ish systems, you can use symlinks then it 
will be happy.  On Windows, you can kind of do the same thing,  
Unfortunately, you need admin rights to make links on Windows, but you 
don't need admin rights to make junctions.  So we created junctions under 
our source directory to point to the actual contents elsewhere on the file 
system.  For example, we have some common source that is shared between 
documents so our structure looks something like:
      common   ->  ..\..\common
      common   ->  ..\..\common

The links would be created with the command "mklink /j common 
..\..\common".  Note that MS decided to reverse the parameters so they 
aren't compatible with UNIX.

Hope that helps.


On Sunday, April 10, 2016 at 4:01:26 AM UTC-7, Sagiv Grupper wrote:
> Hi,
> I configured Sphinx in a dedicated folder (using sphinx-quickstart), on my 
> local machine - for example c:\Documentation.
> My python code is located in another folder for instance c:\dev
> I performed the following steps:
>    1. From the Sphinx folder (Documentation), I ran: "sphinx-apidoc -o . 
>    c:\dev" command in order to create .rst files.
>    2. Then I ran "make html"
> I received lots of ImportError messages.
> Html files were created in the _build folder but they contained partial 
> data.
> I also tried to edit conf.py file (sys.path.insert(0, "c:\\dev")) but it 
> didn't help.
> The only way that I managed to generate the documentation, was when I 
> copied the source folder and located it under the Documentation folder.
> What can be the problem?
> Thanks for the help.
> Sagiv

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