
Dňa Thu, 10 Feb 2022 10:31:47 +0100 Matt Documatt <m...@documatt.com>

> Hello Jean,
> I don't know about any extension doing this. A "unit of size" in
> Sphinx is .rst file (a document). There are three builtin HTML
> builders
> - "html" makes one HTML for one document
> - "dirhtml" creates docname/index.html from docname.rst to prettier
> URLs ("docs.foo.com/getting-started" instead of
> "docs.foo.com/getting-started.html")
> - "singlehtml" creates one big long HTML from all documents

I am using sphinx to build multiple HTML only projects, i use this
structure of .rst files, eg.:

    ├── index.rst
    ├── 110_lede-sdk.rst
    └── 210_lede-imagebuild.rst

And i am including documents in toctree by this (where appropriate -- in
index.rst only):

    .. toctree::


+ the "*" item includes .rst files in current dir
+ the "*/index" allow me to include nested subdirs (if needed)

This allow me to split things into "small" files, which respects
directory structure and creates nested toctrees. Using "index.rst"
results, that even webserver opens right index file, when directory is
accessed. I use this from time of 1.5 version eg. for my notes, which
counts more than 1500 pages and produces nice results.

That structure looks ugly in PDF, at least it did when i test it years
ago, thus i do not suggest it in case when PDF is needed.



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