
Dňa Fri, 11 Feb 2022 18:15:56 +0100 Jean Abou Samra
<j...@abou-samra.fr> napísal:

> Also, this is a mature piece of software, people are used to this
> documentation. I would prefer not to change its feel change too much,
> and keeping the current structure would mean making 145 files
> for Sphinx whereas there are 25 in Texinfo -- I at least find
> the latter more convenient for editing.

If it is convenient or not depends on tools ;-)

I have link on any page, which directly opens underlying .rst file in my
editor (and small daemon which rebuild docs on file change). But that
will require something more specific for you, as you will do not want
these links on production page, while i do not care about this.

Perhaps some optional variable/option can help with distinguishing devel
and public builds, but this is out of my knowledge.

BTW, nice images (i am not musician).



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