On 10 Jul 2010, n3...@mac.com wrote:

> Overall I think the idea of extending splint to additional
> non-pOSIX API's is perfectly sane and useful Static annotations
> have a usage case, for automated QA testing, for detecting
> mis-use of API's and more.

> But there are gonna be gotchas:

> 1) API's change in the "real world"

> 2) Manually applying annotations is quite a chore

> 3) the splint C parser has some issues still Finding which file had "parser

pop 3) Yes.  I hoped to extend the amount of code it can parse.  I
doubt it is every perfect in the presence of complex code constructs.
Ie, deeply nested blocks, large code macros, etc.  My hope was to fix
some loose ends that people had noted and then maybe try to look more
seriously about a gcc plugin that would support splint
annotations... If someone hasn't already started in the mean time.

pop 2) Yes.  After annotation, however, it is quite easy to use.  It
is also generally faster as only the module under analysis has to be
considered.  Also, some of these annotations can actually be useful to
code generators.  Many splint annotations are similar to gcc
attributes.  Finally, I think that the annotations can be useful to a
user to understand what the API is for.  Currently splint lacks in
verifying the correctness of some annotations.  For instance,

 /*...@falsewhennull@*/ bool isEmpty(/*...@null@*/ char *p);

verifies the caller but not the implementation.  There are many
reports of splint with SEGV.  This is because an annotation like above
is not consistent with the implementation (due to keep-going
functionality added after the fact).

Whole program (global checking) could be the future.  However, it will
only ever verify the current code base and not an ideal API. Only an
annotation based solution can do that.  Both need source code
available. [insert proper tool for the job euphemism here].  I would
guess that the static analysis tools of the future will do both.

pop 1)
I think that there are several parties interested in library API
static analysis.  This is really to speak to your first point.  A
library author would like to document the API and verify that the API
is consistent with documentation and internal changes.

A library user (a package) would like to know that the package works
with various forms of the library.  

Finally, an end user (distribution vendors, security audits, etc)
would like to verify that the entire base is consistent.  I think this
is what ISPRAS is doing.  Mostly the concerns of the parties are

Having an splint annotated API is sort of like the formal LSB testing
that ISPRAS is doing.  If different versions of the library and
dependant packages analyze cleanly with changes, they you have a good
chance that no bugs have been introduced.  This may be an internal
change in the library, a change in the package, or both.  If the API
has changed, then a conditional (like STRICT in the splint system
annotations) can be used to create splint specifications that are for
multiple API versions.  In many cases, API changes just add
functionality so some prototypes, structures and enum values might be
conditionalized in/out.  This gives a package developer the chance for
static analysis versus both API versions.  Something an end user might
not care about.

> ISPRAS == Institute of System Programming, Russian Academy of Sciences

> These are the people who are putting meat & muscle into LSB "standard"
> interface testing.


> With a little work at automation, and perhaps asking LSB or ISPRAS
> to start generating splint files that Just Drop In automagically,
> I think you have a very very sound approach to using splint
> on OSS software.

The dynamic testing tools are nice.  I think that they have quite a
bit in the way of dynamic security testing.  I don't think they have
data sanitization (SQL injection, relative path exploits, etc)
automated in these tests.  This is something that static analysis
might do better with.  Both static and dynamic tools are nice.  Static
tools will never test the compiler component.  I think this is very
important for C++ shared libraries.

I hope something better comes along in the future. Splint works well
for some means and not for others.

Bill Pringlemeir.

I never did give anybody hell.  I just told the truth and they thought it
was hell. - Harry S. Truman
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