<resending due to isis-wg and spring mailers having medieval configuration).

On Oct 7, 2015, at 11:29 AM, Pushpasis Sarkar 
<psar...@juniper.net<mailto:psar...@juniper.net>> wrote:

Hi Stefano,

From: "Stefano Previdi (sprevidi)"
Date: Wednesday, October 7, 2015 at 12:42 AM
To: Pushpasis Sarkar
Cc: Imtiyaz Mohammad, Stephane Litkowski, "Clarence Filsfils (cfilsfil)", 
Hannes Gredler, "Ahmed Bashandy (bashandy)", 
"bruno.decra...@orange.com<mailto:bruno.decra...@orange.com>", Jeff Tantsura, 
Isis-wg, "spring@ietf.org<mailto:spring@ietf.org>"
Subject: Re: [Isis-wg] Handling same SID mapped to different prefixes and vice 
versa cases

On Oct 6, 2015, at 7:48 PM, Pushpasis Sarkar 
<psar...@juniper.net<mailto:psar...@juniper.net>> wrote:

Hi Stefano,

Thanks for your response. Please find few comments inline.

On 10/6/15, 10:22 PM, "Stefano Previdi (sprevidi)" 
<sprev...@cisco.com<mailto:sprev...@cisco.com>> wrote:


sorry, I’m a bit late on my mail queue…

In fact your use case can be addressed by using the Node-SID of the prefix 
[Pushpasis] Actually that’s exactly what case 1) in Imtiyaz’s mail says..

Rather than allowing same sid for different prefixes (which may easy come to 
misbehaviors), I’d prefer to set the following rule:
. for all prefixes originated by the same node, the node-sid of the originator 
may be used.
[Pushpasis] But that does not mean that traffic for all the prefixes originated 
by the originator MUST be tunneled.

of course not. that’s why I did put a “may”.

The solution should be flexible to provide all options.
1. Use a single tunnel to carry traffic for all prefixes originated by a node.
2. Use separate tunnels to carry traffic for two or more prefixes originated by 
a node.
3. Use separate tunnels to carry traffic for each selected prefix-sets(groups 
of prefixes) originated by a node.

that is fine and my rule still apply. After all, there’s nothing that prevlude 
a node from having multiple sid’s.
[Pushpasis] By sids do you mean node-sids or non-node prefix sids…

a node, likely, has multiple prefixes attached to it and therefore will have 
multiple sids (each one attached to one of its prefixes).
These sids may be node-sids as well as prefix-sids.

 If the later I agree… But why do you need multiple node-sids for?

for many use cases where a node is known in the routing domain through multiple 
loopback addresses (e.g.: one for ipv4 traffic and one for vpnv4 traffic).
two (or more) loopback addresses MAY mean two or more node-sid’s.

You can associate the same node-sid for all prefixes originated from the router 
(e.g. All loopback addresses)..

I definitely don't like the idea because you can’t determine if it’s intended 
or misconfiguration. This will create a lot of room for problems.

If your use case requires to use the same label on top of packets destined to 
different prefixes, then my proposal of recursing into the node-sid works just 
fine (in addition to addressing other use cases).


I am not saying that different setting different node-sids should not be used 
for different prefixes originated, but that cannot be mandatory as well…

So, the rule would be slightly different:
. for all prefixes originated by the same node, node-sid's of the originator 
may be used.

this would address your 3 points above.
[Pushpasis] Yes it would..  But again there should not be a mandatory 
requirement to set different node-sids for each loopback address originated 
from a given node.

A single node-sid configured on the node can be associated with all the 
loopback addresses originated from the same node.

2 and 3 are useful if we the operator is interested in traffic statistics for 
each separate traffic flows destined to the node. The SR architecture should 
enable both..

the architecture already allows this.

In summary it should allow both 1:1 as well as N:1 correspondence between 
Prefix and Prefix-SID-indexes.

agreed, and it’s already the case.

Of course, it implies the ingress is capable of understanding who originated 
the prefix (even in case of multi-level/area).

In isis we have draft-ietf-isis-prefix-attributes that define a new prefix 
sub-tlv with the originator info (among other things) that is preserved across 
levels, so you have all the info you need.

The advantage of this rule, compared to advertising the same sid of multiple 
prefixes, is also that you can still advertise a prefix-sid (e.g.: a local sid) 
with the prefix.

If I take your example, you can still advertise:
local sid 123 for
local sid 321 for
[Pushpasis] If and are both originated from one 
single node, and there is no need to separately account traffic for each of 
these there is no need to allocate two different labels for reaching the same 

but if there _is_ the need to use a label in order to switch the packet towards 
the outgoing interface (to 30 or 40), then you understand the use case, right ?

It’s a different use case than the one reported in the original email.
[Pushpasis] The use case in the original mail is also valid.

The use case reported in the original email is only one sub-case.

Then why waste labels?? If we can conserve labels it should help us implement 
support SR on platforms with limited LFIB size as well..

there are a variety of use cases. Some of which do not necessitate to have sr 
end-to-end (i.e.: you do an ip lookup on the originator) and there are use 
cases where you want to leverage sr end to end.
[Pushpasis] I assume you are referring to a prefix sid for a prefix attached to 
a local interface. If so, you mean the originator will not need to do a IP 
lookup? Lets take an address attached to a local interface 
and associate a prefix sid 100 (say). So the node will advertise the prefix with SID 10. And this will cause the ingress node to install a 
route like below.. -> PUSH NodeSegmentLabel(SID=100)

Now say two packet arrives at ingress for and 
respectively. Both packets will now be sent to the node using the same label. 
When the packet arrives (minus the MPLS header, assuming No-PHP) the first 
packet needs to go to the host stack and the second needs to be forwarded over 
the interface. I don’t understand how the router can differentiate between the 
two packets without doing a IP-lookup. Perhaps you can help me understand that..

Both types of use case (co)exist and we MUST NOT assume there’s only one type.

Hence scenario 1) should be possible… And so any implementation receiving  
multiple prefix with same SID-index should NOT reject them as long as all the 
prefixes are originated from a single node.

this is only one use case and you do not address others.
[Pushpasis] I don’t know what use case is not addressed here? The way I see is 
that the use case Imtiyaz brought up is also not addressed if the above 
restriction (i.e. Same node-sid cannot be associated with multiple addresses 
originated from the same node) is imposed by any implementation. Do you agree?

What I look into an architecture, is the ability to address multiple use cases 
with the same mechanism rather than defining ad-hoc solutions that, at the end, 
would make the architecture more complex.
[Pushpasis] Once again I don’t understand how is this more complex.

I don’t like the idea to blindly allow same sid for multiple prefixes knowing 
that there’s a much simpler solution: resolution to the node-sid of the 
[Pushpasis] I don’t like the idea either that the same SID cannot be associated 
with more than one prefix originated from the same node. You are again asking 
traffic destined for all prefixes originated by the node to be tunneled in a 
MPLS tunnel. This MUST not be mandatory. Operator may want to tunnel traffic 
for few traffic flows and for others he /she may want the packets to follow 
hop-by-hop IP forwarding.



Thanks and Regards,

and therefore (for destination you can use segment list:

as well as you can use simply node-sid(devB) and do an ip lookup in devB.


On Oct 6, 2015, at 5:25 PM, Pushpasis Sarkar 
<psar...@juniper.net<mailto:psar...@juniper.net>> wrote:
We have not heard back from any of the SR authors though :)
Hi Authors of draft-ietf-isis-segment-routing-extension,
Can one of you please confirm/comment on this?
Thanks and Regards,
From: Imtiyaz Mohammad
Date: Thursday, October 1, 2015 at 7:18 PM
To: Pushpasis Sarkar
Cc: Isis-wg, "spring@ietf.org<mailto:spring@ietf.org>"
Subject: Re: [Isis-wg] Handling same SID mapped to different prefixes and vice 
versa cases
Thanks Pushpasis ! That helps.
On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 4:24 PM, Pushpasis Sarkar 
<psar...@juniper.net<mailto:psar...@juniper.net>> wrote:
Hi imtiyaz,
Thanks for bringing this to the working groups attention. Please find some 
comments inline.
From: Isis-wg on behalf of Imtiyaz Mohammad
Date: Thursday, October 1, 2015 at 12:44 PM
To: Isis-wg, "spring@ietf.org<mailto:spring@ietf.org>"
Subject: [Isis-wg] Handling same SID mapped to different prefixes and vice 
versa cases
Hello experts !
The draft-ietf-isis-segment-routing-extensions draft states that:
  "The 'Prefix SID' MUST
    be unique within a given IGP domain (when the L-flag is not set)."
[Pushpasis] To me it means no two router in the same IGP domain should/can 
originate the same Prefix Sid index. However it does not mean that two or more 
prefixes originated by the same node cannot share the same prefix sid index as 
long as another node is not originating any prefix with the same index.
Makes sense from usage point of view. What if some implementation does not 
enforce a configuration time check and allows such possibilities in the network 
wherein the following three situations arise:
(1) Same SID is received from one device and mapped to multiple prefixes.
(2) Same SID is received from two devices and mapped to multiple prefixes.
(3) Same prefix is mapped with two different SID on two different devices.
Let me go through each case with examples.
(1) Same SID is received from one device and mapped to multiple prefixes.
devB has:
      node segment 100 for
      node segment 100 for
It sends prefix segment subTLV for both these entries.
devA receives these subTLVs and since they have arrived from the very same 
device, the LFIB entries would be same calculated through or because your next operation and nexthops would be identical.
[Pushpasis] Totally agree. For example if there are multiple loopback addresses 
on a single node, a single unique node sid index can be attached to all the 
loopback addresses. There can be cases that the operator may need to attach 
separate prefix-sid-indexes with all the loopback address, and I don’t say it 
is possible, but the same cannot be mandatory as well. So receivers receiving 
multiple prefixes with the same sid index from the same node should accept it 
and program one route for each of the prefixes with all of them using the same 
next hop label.
  (2) Same SID is received from two devices and mapped to multiple prefixes.
devB has:
      node segment 100 for
devC has:
      node segment 100 for
This cause would clearly not work as devA would need to know SID 100 represents 
devB or devC. So, on receipt on such subTLV entries, we would syslog an error.
[Pushpasis] Totally agree.
(3) Same prefix is mapped with two different SID on two different devices.
devB has:
      node segment 100 for
devC has:
      node segment 200 for
Even in this case, things would fall apart as the fec has two 
paths, one of them may be the best path or there might be an ecmp but one would 
not know when using incoming label 100 or 200 that the packet would go to devB 
or devC.
[Pushpasis] Agree.
Is my understanding correct for these three scenarios ?
I am thinking that in scenario (2) and (3), on receipt of duplicate subTLV 
entries ( same SID different prefixes or vice versa from different systemIDs ), 
we should store all of them, mark one of them as 'active' based on same 
criteria such highest systemID and use that for LFIB generation. The inactive 
subTLV entry would just lie there in case the active one ceases to exist for 
some reason later in time at which point, the inactive one could be made active 
and used for LFIB generation.
Comments / Opinions ?
Mohammad Imtiyaz
Software Engineer
Arista Networks
+91 9901101171
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