
Thanks for the discussion. Please see inline [Bruno]

From: Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) [mailto:ginsb...@cisco.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2016 6:00 PM
Cc: spring@ietf.org
Subject: RE: draft-ietf-spring-conflict-resolution - Policy

Bruno -

As the thread below documents, I stated that I did not understand your 
representation and asked for clarification - suggesting that you use the format 
defined in the draft.
You stated that you could not do that and we were at a point where no progress 
could be made.
[Bruno] I could _not_ use your format since your format did not include the 
information need. This is not a whim but a technical issue. So I asked you to 
still consider the message. Rather than waiting for a time-out, there was a way 
to make progress by asking clarification questions on the points which were not 
clear, or at least explicitly refusing to consider the email.

I also note that what bothered you in my representation was my addition of the 
type of advertisement (prefix or MS). But you finally have just added in the 
latest version of the draft "Src- PFX or SRMS" . So there was probably a way to 

Besides the algo did not use any specification representation, just names. So 
I'll copy/paste it below, please ask clarification questions for the parts 
which are not clear enough.

The problem that we need to solve, is to find the SID for a prefix (P1).
The algo could be:
- Find all SIDi advertised for the prefix P1                                    
                       // identification of Prefix conflicts
                - For each SIDi find all the prefix Pij associated with SIDi    
          // identification of SID conflicts

// as a result, for P1, we get a list of (SIDi, Pij)

Get the best (SIDi, Pij) as per the preference algorithm.
If best Pij == P1
                then use SIDij for P1
                else return no SID                          / no SID available 
for this prefix P1

To illustrate my confusion, one of your examples is:

For R2, the algo evaluates a conflict between the following advertisments:
   R2 - SID2 - R2 (MS, MS)
   R2 - SID12 - R12 (prefix SID, MS)
   R2 - SID12 - R2  (prefix SID, prefix SID)

Now, what does "R2 - SID2 - R2 (MS, MS)" mean?
- MS/prefix SID is the type of advertisement. In your new version, you call it 
- SID is the SID found in the Mapping Entrie
- Rx is the loopback (prefix) or router Rx

So "R2 - SID2 - R2 (MS, MS)" is the outpout of the algo described above and 
means: For prefix R2, we found a MS mapping entries advertising SID2 for this 
prefix, and then I found a MS mapping entries advertising prefix R2 for SID2.

Does it mean  "On R2, SID2 is assigned to prefix R2 from two different mapping 
server entries?" I really have no idea.

And you conclude the example by saying

Best one is R2 - SID12 - R2 (smaller range (prefix SID),smaller range (prefix 
   ==> SID12 is selected for R2.

But since there is no representation of "range" in your examples I really have 
no idea how you came to this conclusion .
[Bruno] I agree that since the above algo used 2 mapping entries to provides 
the (SIDi, Pij), the preference algo (ยง3.2.4) would need to be adapted. That 
being said, this is not important for this discussion. Let's just considered 
that their exist a preference algorithm, which takes as input a list of (SIDi, 
Piij) for P1, and gives as outpout the "best" one. (definition of "best" is not 


As regards "per FEC/Prefix", I believe this is what "ignore overlap only" does.
[Bruno] Indeed, this is my expectation. But I would need someone's review to 
confirm this.
But the difference is that the proposed algo is simple (2 lines of pseudo 
code), with very modest resquirement data structure use to store the mapping 
entries. Indeed, all it needs is a function returning the list of mapping 
entries associated/matching a given prefix. And function returning the list of 
mapping entries associated/matching a given SID.
In particular, there is no need for splitting mapping entries which is the main 
complexity of your proposed "Preference algorithm/ignore overlap only". 
(according to your own text).

-- Bruno


From: bruno.decra...@orange.com<mailto:bruno.decra...@orange.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2016 7:22 AM
To: Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)
Cc: spring@ietf.org<mailto:spring@ietf.org>
Subject: RE: draft-ietf-spring-conflict-resolution - Policy


Thanks for the updated draft.

IINM, you have not answered my below email/proposal. I had waited for the new 
version of the draft but it also does not touch this subject.

So, could you please consider and answer my comment?

In short, in an implementation-independent sentence:

> I'm wondering if we could address the conflict on a per FEC/Prefix basis 
> rather than on a per IGP advertisement (range) basis.
> If so, this may avoid the discussion between the Quarantine vs ignore policy.


From: spring [mailto:spring-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 1:57 PM
To: Les Ginsberg (ginsberg); spring@ietf.org<mailto:spring@ietf.org>
Subject: Re: [spring] draft-ietf-spring-conflict-resolution - Policy


Please see inline [Bruno]

From: Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) [mailto:ginsb...@cisco.com]
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2016 12:41 AM
To: DECRAENE Bruno IMT/OLN; spring@ietf.org<mailto:spring@ietf.org>
Subject: RE: draft-ietf-spring-conflict-resolution - Policy

Bruno -

I am having difficulty parsing the examples you provide below as they seem to 
incorporate advertisement source into the description whereas the draft 
deliberately omits source.
[Bruno] My text does not incorporate the source, but the type of source IOW the 
type of sub-TLV.

So it does not matter if R2 sends an advertisement or R12 sends advertisement 
or both of them do (which could happen when an advertisement is leaked) - what 
matters is what unique entries are in the database independent of source.
[Bruno] It may not matter for your algorithm (pending another thread), but it 
does for the one I proposed.

It would be good if you could present your examples using the format defined in 
the draft i.e.:
[Bruno] My examples are described in plain text. Then the examples giving 
intermediate steps of my algo uses the data that are needed i.e. the type of 
advertisement (Prefix-SID vs MS).
Then finally, my algo runs on a per FEC/IP Prefix basis, and not on a per IGP 
advertisement basis which your format describe.
So I'm sorry but I don't see how to indulge your request.

    Pi - Initial prefix
     Pe - End prefix
     L -  Prefix length
     Lx - Maximum prefix length (32 for IPv4, 128 for IPv6)
     Si - Initial SID value
     Se - End SID value
     R -  Range value
     T - Topology
     A - Algorithm

     A Mapping Entry is then the tuple: (Pi/L, Si, R, T, A)
     Pe = (Pi + ((R-1) << (Lx-L))
     Se = Si + (R-1)

Example:     (, 200, 1, 0, 0)

As regards your proposal

- Find all SIDi advertised for the prefix P1                                    
                       // identification of Prefix conflicts
                - For each SIDi find all the prefix Pij associated with SIDi    
          // identification of SID conflicts

Get the best as per the preference algorithm.
If best Pij == P1
                then use SIDij for P1
                else return no SID

this to me specifies an implementation - which isn't necessary.
[Bruno] Well, _you_ are the one talking about implementation, and more 
specifically implementation complexity.
Assuming the above algo works, it looks relatively simple to implement, in 
which case, I would not buy the argument about implementation complexity which 
is the only argument in favor or the "ignore" or "quarantine" policy.
Bottom line, I would welcome your feedback and comments on this proposed 

-- Bruno

However, there is one important point which has not been specified in the draft 
which reading your post has brought to my attention - that is the order in 
which checks are made.
The draft states:

"Prefix conflicts are specific to mapping entries sharing  the same topology 
and algorithm."
"SID conflicts are independent of address-family,  independent of prefix len, 
independent of topology, and independent  of algorithm."

If we consider an example where a network supports two VPNs, the significance 
of ordering in the evaluation of conflicts will be highlighted:

(, 100, 1, 1, 0)
(, 200, 1, 1, 0)


(, 200, 1, 2, 0)

If we evaluate prefix conflicts first, then the following entries are "active":
(, 100, 1, 1, 0) !VPN1
(, 200, 1, 2, 0) !VPN2

If we evaluate SID conflicts first, then the following entries are "active":
(, 100, 1, 1, 0) !VPN1

The latter choice is suboptimal because it prevents use of the VPN2 entry 

This point needs to be made explicit in the draft.


From: spring [mailto:spring-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 8:23 AM
To: spring@ietf.org<mailto:spring@ietf.org>
Subject: [spring] draft-ietf-spring-conflict-resolution - Policy

Hi authors, all

As an individual contributor, please find below some feedback on the policy.

I'm wondering if we could address the conflict on a per FEC/Prefix basis rather 
than on a per IGP advertisement basis.
If so, this may avoid the discussion between the Quarantine vs ignore policy.

The problem that we need to solve, is to find the SID for a prefix (P1).
The algo could be:
- Find all SIDi advertised for the prefix P1                                    
                       // identification of Prefix conflicts
                - For each SIDi find all the prefix Pij associated with SIDi    
          // identification of SID conflicts

// as a result, we get a list of SIDi - Pij for P1

Get the best as per the preference algorithm.
If best Pij == P1
                then use SIDij for P1
                else return no SID                          / no SID available 
for this prefix P1

   Note that it would probably be better for the preference algo to put the SID 
tie-brake before the prefix tie-break as with the prefix tie-break, we suffer 
from the conflict twice (Prefix - SID mapping, then SID- prefix mapping) which 
increase the diversity and hence the chance of not finding a valid entry.   But 
for the below examples, I used the preference algo from draft-ietf-*-00

Below are examples, running this policy on typical configuration error cases.
3.4.4.  Network operation

   Consider the following simple network example:

   1.  100 nodes: R1 to R100;

   2.  IP Loopbacks are from to

   3.  SID are from 1 to 100;

   4.  R1 to R50 are SR capable and advertised their own SID using
       Prefix-SID sub-TLV;

   5.  R51 to R100 are SR non-capable, running LDP and their SID are
       advertised by two redundant Mapping Server MS1 and MS2;

   6.  As the number of nodes which are SR capable are expected to
       increase and as in real deployment their Loopback addresses would
       no the contiguous, the Mapping servers advertisement covers all
       Loopbacks: (, 1, 100);

   Subsequent sections evaluate the consequences of a single
   configuration error, for all conflict resolution options.  Example 1: SID configured on 1 node conflict with SID
          configured on another node

   Following a typo during configuration, R2 is configured with a SID of
   12.  That SID conflicts with the Prefix-SID advertised by R12 and the 
Mapping Server Advertisement for R12.
   Note: both MS advertisement are the same, so we only consider one in the 
below analysis.

   All prefix but R2 and R12, a single SID is advertised and hence selected.

   For R2, the algo evaluates a conflict between the following advertisments:
   R2 - SID2 - R2 (MS, MS)
   R2 - SID12 - R12 (prefix SID, MS)
   R2 - SID12 - R2  (prefix SID, prefix SID)

   Best one is R2 - SID12 - R2 (smaller range (prefix SID),smaller range 
(prefix SID))
   ==> SID12 is selected for R2.

   For R12, the algo evaluates a conflict between the following advertisments:
   R12 - SID12 - R12 (prefix SID, prefix SID)
   R12 - SID12 - R2  (prefix SID, prefix SID)
   R12 - SID12 - R12 (prefix SID, MS)
   R12 - SID12 - R2  (MS, prefix SID)
   R12 - SID12 - R12 (MS, MS)

   Best one is R12 - SID12 - R2 (smaller range (prefix SID),smaller range 
(prefix SID), smaller starting adresse (R2))
   R12 <> R2 ==> R12 has no SID.  Example 2: SID configured on 1 node conflict with SID
          configured on the Mapping Server

   Following a typo during configuration, R2 is configured with a SID of
   52.  That SID conflicts with the Mapping Server advertisements of MS1
   and MS2 for the loopback of R52.
   Note: both MS advertisement are the same, so we only consider one in the 
below analysis.

   All prefix but R2 and R52, a single SID is advertised and hence selected.

   For R2, the algo evaluates a conflict between the following advertisments:
   R2 - SID52 - R2  (prefix SID, prefix SID)
   R2 - SID52 - R52 (prefix SID, MS)
   R2 - SID2  - R2  (MS, MS)

   Best one is R2 - SID52 - R2 (smaller range (prefix SID),smaller range 
(prefix SID))
   ==> SID52 is selected for R2.

   For R52, the algo evaluates a conflict between the following advertisments:
   R52 - SID52 - R52 (MS, MS)
   R52 - SID52 - R2  (MS, prefix SID)

   Best one is R52 - SID52 - R2 (smaller range (prefix SID))
   R52 <> R2 ==> R52 has no SID.  Example 3: wrong configuration of a MS

   Following a typo during configuration, MS1 is configured
   (, 1, 100). (i.e. instead of  That
   advertisement conflicts with the Mapping Server advertisements of MS2
   and the Prefix-SID advertised by R1...R50.

   We have a conflict for all routers except R100.

   For LDP only routers R51 to R99 we have a conflict between both MS 
   For R52, the algo evaluates a conflict between the following advertisments:
   R52 - SID52 - R52 (MS2, MS2)
   R52 - SID52 - R51 (MS2, MS1)
   R52 - SID53 - R52 (MS1, MS1)
   R52 - SID53 - R53 (MS1, MS2)

   Best one is R52 - SID52 - R51 (smaller starting address)
   R52 <> R51 ==> R52 has no SID.

   For SR routers, R1 to 50, we have a conflict between both MS advertisement 
and Prefix SID advertisements.
   For R2, the algo evaluates a conflict between the following advertisments:
   R2 - SID 2 - R2 (Prefix SID, Prefix SID)
   R2 - SID 2 - R2 (Prefix SID, MS2)
   R2 - SID 2 - R1 (Prefix SID, MS1)
   R2 - SID 2 - R2 (MS2, MS2)
   R2 - SID 2 - R2 (MS2, Prefix SID)
   R2 - SID 2 - R1 (MS2, MS1)
   R2 - SID 3 - R2  (MS1, MS1)
   R2 - SID 3 - R3  (MS1, MS2)
   R2 - SID 3 - R3  (MS1, Prefix SID)

   Best one is R2 - SID 2 - R2 (Prefix SID, Prefix SID)
   R2 == R2 hence R2 use SID2.



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