
> <adding the SPRING mailing list, because this is a SPRING draft>
> Folks,
> Sections 4.4 through 4.12 of draft-ietf-spring-srv6-network-programming-00 
> define a set of SIDs that have the following things in common:
> - they are consumed by the egress node (SL == 0)
> - they tell the egress node how to forward the payload into a VPN
> If the payload is IPv4, the next-header value in the SRH must be IP4 (value 
> 4).
> If the payload is IPv6, the next-header value in the SRH must be IPv6 (value 
> 41).
> If the payload is Ethernet, the next-header value in the SRH must be No Next 
> Header (value 59).
> In the interest of consistency, we should probably allocate a new next-header 
> value for Ethernet and use it.

It's a fairly precious name space though.
What would a general IP stack do with an Ethernet frame? It's kind of a neat 
feature that "IP processing terminates here".
Or are we going to specify Ethernet over IP?

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