Hi Mark,

> The uSID proposal is taking the position that all the bits after the high
> order prefix are available for any purpose. This is not correct, and would
> violate a number of standards track RFCs, including the IPv6 Addressing
> Architecture RFC (RFC 4291) and the ULA RFC (RFC 4193).
> In particular, 40 bits of a ULA prefix, between /8 and /48, the Gobal ID,
> must be pseudo random. This is the most critical property of ULA addresses
> and prefixes, as it is the solution to the problem ULAs are designed to
> solve.

RFC 4193 says about Global_ID allocation:

   The local assignments are self-generated and do not need any central
   coordination or assignment, but have an extremely high probability of
   being unique.

So in some the case operator may choose to make such "local assignment" of
Global ID to be per router not per network. And that is all what is needed
for uSID. uSID address blocks does not need to be continues.

It also does not contradict with any RFC does it ? What breaks if I use
more then one self generated Global ID in my network ?

Note that the above question goes way beyond any SR related discussion so
perhaps deserves a separate 6man thread.

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