On 7/9/19 19:17, Zafar Ali (zali) wrote:

>   * Spring chairs and AD were repeatedly flamed. They had to defend
>     [https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/spring/ZFm_bQP1-C2f9xJuXtvEd9mLoxU]
>   * 6man AD/ chairs had to defend,
>     e.g., 
> https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/spring/zfr-dCuSHSJRjE2NkJbfjuWoCi4.
>   * An atmosphere that the Spring and 6man are disconnected was created. 
>   * Heated discussions (that are not on the table). 
>   * Etc. 

FWIW, I have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about. Nobody was
"flamed". You quote a message from Suresh, in which I asked how the IESG
handles these things.

I did make comments to Ole and Suresh, because they are co-chair and
responsible AD for 6man, and I think their comments to disregard the
statement in RFC8200 as if it wasn't the result of technical arguments
is both wrong and unfair to the wg for which they are responsible.
(Besides the fact that it represents *IETF* consensus).

This was noted by others:

* https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/ipv6/9dfgDhjuMIvHfSAXg2bcFAa9q6s
* https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/ipv6/5KvaCMhsq819wcHxTkF7TpBdzLg
* https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/ipv6/CTMqxFA2Goa6e4Fp5OFYJx92eHQ
* https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/ipv6/Rfd2RmNJ6Q1OikAJT5llf3BdSZg

Given the past history with this topic (see:
I think the above is not acceptable.

And since they are in leadership positions, it's our responsibility to
note these things when they happen.

My question to the spring people obviously came from that background. I
realize that the spring co-*chairs* might not be aware about the history
of EH insertion within 6man. I do think that the RTG *ADs* should, since
part of the discussion of EH insertion happened during IETC LC and IESG
review of rfc2460bis.

I'd note that, according to our charter:
The 6man working group is responsible for the maintenance, upkeep, and
advancement of the IPv6 protocol specifications and addressing
architecture. It is not chartered to develop major changes or additions
to the IPv6 specifications.

Allowing EH insertion seems to me like a major change or addition to IPv6.

Fernando Gont
SI6 Networks
e-mail: fg...@si6networks.com
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