
> SRv6 is not nearly so close to standardization as some would claim. If it 
> were, last week’s heated email exchanges would not have occurred

It’s not true. All discussions didn’t attribute to SRH encap itself.

> Some customers have identified a need that SRv6+ satisfies and SRv6 does not

As one of your customers, I never claim that thing.


2019/09/10 22:30、Ron Bonica <>のメール:

> Jim,
> Please accept this comment in the spirit which it is intended, between two 
> old friends.
> It doesn’t matter if there are a million existing SRv6 deployments.. The 
> following is undeniable:
> SRv6 is not nearly so close to standardization as some would claim. If it 
> were, last week’s heated email exchanges would not have occurred
> Some customers have identified a need that SRv6+ satisfies and SRv6 does not
> So, why would anyone want to suppress the new work. I have heard the 
> following arguments:
> New work would overtax the WG
> A new solution would confuse the market place
> The first argument is dubious. We are talking about a few very short 
> documents that are careful never to stray from IPv6 orthodoxy. As always, 
> participation is voluntary.
> The second argument is downright suspicious. Network operators are 
> intelligent people who are not easily confused.
> The marketplace doesn’t need to be protected from new solutions. Those who 
> claim that it does may want to explain why.
>                                                                          Ron
> Juniper Business Use Only
> From: James Guichard <> 
> Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 8:59 AM
> To: Sander Steffann <>; Zafar Ali (zali) <>
> Cc: Rob Shakir <>; Ron Bonica <>; SPRING 
> WG List <>; Shraddha Hegde <>; Andrew 
> Alston <>
> Subject: RE: [spring] Going back to the original question for the Spring WG 
> (was: Re: Beyond SRv6.)
> I don’t think anyone is trying to make themselves look superior. Presumably 
> the IETF wants to build technologies that are actually deployed in real 
> networks – it is clear that there are multiple publicly announced SRv6 
> deployments (I can think of at least 5) and from what I can see from the 
> numerous email threads there are several operators stating that SRv6 
> satisfies their needs (and this is based on real deployment knowledge not 
> theoretical technical purity) and no other additional encapsulation  
> technique is necessary.
> My .2c
> Jim
> From: spring <> On Behalf Of Sander Steffann
> Sent: Saturday, September 07, 2019 1:22 PM
> To: Zafar Ali (zali) <>
> Cc: Rob Shakir <>; Ron Bonica <>; SPRING 
> WG List <>; Shraddha Hegde <>; Andrew 
> Alston <>
> Subject: Re: [spring] Going back to the original question for the Spring WG 
> (was: Re: Beyond SRv6.)
> [ZA] Please refer to section 3 of SRv6 deployment draft, 
>  It provides some details on the Significant industry collaboration that led 
> to SRv6 standardization. SRv6 standardization went through the rigorous IETF 
> process (some may say much more rigorous than typically done at IETF).  
> Throwing massive resources at something, sending many emails and creating 
> many tickets don't represent "significant industry collaboration". They can 
> equally represent ratholing, endless discussions and massive disagreement.
> Stop trying to make yourself look superior. That has no place in the IETF. 
> Statement like that are pathetic in my view. Please focus on technical 
> excellence instead.
> Cheers,
> Sander
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