I support the WG adoption of the CSID draft.
I understand that CSID draft defines multiple SRv6 behaviors, but they are
based on a single SRv6 data plane solution.
Kind regards,
Antonio Cianfrani

Il giorno mer 6 ott 2021 alle ore 06:30 Darren Dukes (ddukes) <ddukes=
40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org> ha scritto:

> I support the WG adoption of this draft.
> I’ve spent a year and a half with the design team studying requirements
> and analyzing all solutions to SRv6 SID list compression with multiple WG
> reviews and many hours of work.  The CSID proposal is the strongest, and
> fully based on the SRv6 data plane.
> Combined with the breadth of contributors, implementations and deployments
> it makes a very good solution for the working group to adopt and progress.
> I am certain there will be no shortage of interest nor energy to complete
> it.
> Sincerely
>   Darren
> On 2021-10-01, 10:05 AM, "spring" <spring-boun...@ietf.org> wrote:
> Dear WG:
> The chairs would like to express their appreciation for all the responses
> received to our emails with reference to how the working group wishes to
> move forward with respect to a solution for SRv6 compression.
> The apparent inclination of the working group is to use
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-filsfilscheng-spring-srv6-srh-compression/
> as the basis for its compression standardization work. That is part of what
> this email attempts to confirm.
> Because of the above the chairs would like to issue a 2-week WG call for
> adoption ending October 15th for
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-filsfilscheng-spring-srv6-srh-compression/
> but with some clear guidelines as follows. By expressing support for
> adoption of this document you are fully aware of and are acknowledging
> that:
> 1.       The SPRING working group is adopting a document that has
> multiple SRv6 Endpoint behaviors.
> 2.       The document is a “living” document; it may change as it goes
> through review and analysis by the SPRING working group.
> 3.       All open discussion points raised on our mailing list MUST be
> addressed BEFORE said document is allowed to progress from the working
> group to publication. A list of these discussion points will be documented
> in the WG document and maintained by the document editor in conjunction
> with the chairs.
> 4.       If this document is adopted by the working group, the chairs
> specify as part of the adoption call that the following text describing an
> open issue be added to the document in the above-described open issues
> section:
> ·         "Given that the working group has said that it wants to
> standardize one data plane solution, and given that the document contains
> multiple SRv6 EndPoint behaviors that some WG members have stated are
> multiple data plane solutions, the working group will address whether this
> is valid and coherent with its one data plane solution objective.".
> Please consider the above guidelines as you decide on whether to support
> or not this WG adoption. Please express clearly your reasoning for
> support/non-support as well as any open discussion points you would like
> addressed should the document be adopted into the working group.
> Thanks!
> Jim, Bruno & Joel
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> spring mailing list
> spring@ietf.org
> https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/spring

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