Hi Andrew,WG,

Let me add my understanding of interoperability.

If all devices support NEXT-C-SID, the encapsulation is as follows:

SRH [0]: block-1 | next-c-sid-21 | next-c-sid-22 | ….| next-c-sid-2n |
SRH [1]: block-1 | next-c-sid-11 | next-c-sid-12 | ….| next-c-sid-1n |

If all devices support REPLACE-C-SID, the encapsulation is as follows:

SRH [0]: replace-c-sid-2 | replace-c-sid-3 | ….| normal-c-sid-n |
SRH [1]: block-2 | replace-c-sid-1 |

If some devices support NEXT-C-SID and some support REPLACE-C-SID, the 
encapsulation for transitioning from REPLACE-C-SID to NEXT-C-SID is as follows:

SRH [0]: block-1 | next-c-sid-21 | next-c-sid-22 | ….| next-c-sid-2n |
SRH [1]: block-1 | next-c-sid-11 | next-c-sid-12 | ….| next-c-sid-1n |
SRH [2]: replace-c-sid-2 | replace-c-sid-3 | ….| normal-c-sid-n |
SRH [3]: block-2| replace-c-sid-1 |

If some devices support REPLACE-C-SID and some support NEXT-C-SID, the 
encapsulation for transitioning from NEXT-C-SID to REPLACE-C-SID is as follows:

SRH [0]: block-2 | replace-c-sid-2 | replace-c-sid-3 | ….| normal-c-sid-n |
SRH [1]: block-2 | replace-c-sid-1 |
SRH [2]: block-1 | next-c-sid-21 | next-c-sid-22 | ….| next-c-sid-2n |
SRH [3]: block-1 | next-c-sid-11 | next-c-sid-12 | ….| next-c-sid-1n |

Therefore, different SIDs can be arranged and  co-exist together in one SRH.
Devices may only support one forwarding behavior, but different-flavored SIDs 
need to be arranged together at the header end for interoperability to be 


From: Andrew Alston - IETF [mailto:andrew-i...@liquid.tech]
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2023 10:28 AM
To: linchangwang (RD); Joel Halpern; SPRING WG List
Subject: Re: [spring] Issue 1 regarding draft-ietf-spring-srv6-srh-compression

Hi Joel, WG

Speaking strictly as a spring participant and wearing no other hats.

I cannot call this one solution �C yes �C what Changwang said below is correct 
that they can potentially co-exist �C however the question of one solution 
comes down to this:

If there is an implementation done that supports NEXT-C-SID and NOT 
REPLACE-C-SID �C would it inter-operate with an implementation that supports 

If the answer is no �C and I believe at this point it is no �C this is not a 
single solution �C it is two solutions in a single document.  The two do not 
interoperate together.  To argue otherwise would be to say that because we can 
put two different SAFI’s under the AFI in BGP that do entirely different 
things, if we put them in the same document they somehow become one solution, 
because you can run multiple SAFI’s in a single AFI.  This is simply not 

If the document were to mandate implementations both flavors using normative 
language �C and we had inter-op reports to show this had been done, then, maybe 
we could consider this a single solution.  Until then, while we sit in a state 
that if two implementations only implement half the draft each �C and they 
cannot cleanly inter-operate �C I cannot call this a single solution.

I write this pointing out that in the past I advocated in the WG for multiple 
solutions to the problem, but the WG as I have also stated in the past, came to 
clear declared consensus on a single solution, and I believe that trying to 
push these into a single document was an attempt to work around what was 
already declared consensus, rather than uphold said consensus and find a true 
single solution.

So �C unfortunately �C I must state that as a working group participant, I do 
NOT consider this issue closed �C and I really fail to see how these can be 
considered one solution.


Internal All Employees
From: spring <spring-boun...@ietf.org> on behalf of linchangwang 
Date: Tuesday, 1 August 2023 at 03:46
To: Joel Halpern <j...@joelhalpern.com>, SPRING WG List <spring@ietf.org>
Subject: Re: [spring] Issue 1 regarding draft-ietf-spring-srv6-srh-compression
Hi  Joel, WG,

I agree that the issue has been resolved.

According to the SRv6 dataplane definition in the document 
"draft-ietf-spring-srv6-srh-compression,"all SIDs can co-exist in the same SRH, 
including Next-C-SID and Replace-C-SID.

This allows for SRv6 to be a single and consistent dataplane solution.


From: spring [mailto:spring-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Joel Halpern
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2023 5:09 AM
Subject: [spring] Issue 1 regarding draft-ietf-spring-srv6-srh-compression

As per the discussions on list and at IETF 117, the SPRING WG chairs (myself 
and Alvaro specifically) are attempting to determine if we can close the open 
issues regarding 
https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-spring-srv6-srh-compression/  The 
editors have entered proposed resolutions for all open issues.  This email is 
to determine if the working group considers issue 1 closable.

Issue 1 reads:

Given that the working group has said that it wants to standardize one
data plane solution, and given that the document contains multiple SRv6
EndPoint behaviors that some WG members have stated are multiple data
plane solutions, the working group will address whether this is valid
and coherent with its one data plane solution objective.

The editors have entered:

All SIDs of the SRv6 dataplane (defined in this document and in other 
documents) can co-exist in the same SRH. This make SRv6 a single, consistent 
dataplane solution.

Please speak up if you agree this resolves this issue, or if you consider that 
it does not resolve the issue.  Objections (and even support if practical) 
should be specific as to the technical grounds for the statement.  Silence will 
not be considered consent.

This call will run for 3 weeks to allow time for at least some people's August 
vacations and in hopes fo getting a clear reading from the WG.

Separate calls for other issues will be issued on a schedule that the chairs 
have selected to try to balance getting sufficient focus with getting this 
done, as it has been a long time.

Note that if the WG agrees that all issues may be marked as closed, the chairs 
anticipate issuing the WG last call shortly after that is determined.  Speaking 
up early will help us in all dimensions.  If we determine that not all issues 
can be marked as closed, the chairs will work with the document editors to 
determine suitable next steps.

Thank you,


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