In my opinion the suggested approach is the most reasonable approach
at this point, and therefore the issue can be closed.


On Tue, Aug 1, 2023 at 12:08 AM Joel Halpern <> wrote:
> As per the discussions on list and at IETF 117, the SPRING WG chairs (myself 
> and Alvaro specifically) are attempting to determine if we can close the open 
> issues regarding 
>  The 
> editors have entered proposed resolutions for all open issues.  This email is 
> to determine if the working group considers issue 1 closable.
> Issue 1 reads:
> Given that the working group has said that it wants to standardize one
> data plane solution, and given that the document contains multiple SRv6
> EndPoint behaviors that some WG members have stated are multiple data
> plane solutions, the working group will address whether this is valid
> and coherent with its one data plane solution objective.
> The editors have entered:
> All SIDs of the SRv6 dataplane (defined in this document and in other 
> documents) can co-exist in the same SRH. This make SRv6 a single, consistent 
> dataplane solution.
> Please speak up if you agree this resolves this issue, or if you consider 
> that it does not resolve the issue.  Objections (and even support if 
> practical) should be specific as to the technical grounds for the statement.  
> Silence will not be considered consent.
> This call will run for 3 weeks to allow time for at least some people's 
> August vacations and in hopes fo getting a clear reading from the WG.
> Separate calls for other issues will be issued on a schedule that the chairs 
> have selected to try to balance getting sufficient focus with getting this 
> done, as it has been a long time.
> Note that if the WG agrees that all issues may be marked as closed, the 
> chairs anticipate issuing the WG last call shortly after that is determined.  
> Speaking up early will help us in all dimensions.  If we determine that not 
> all issues can be marked as closed, the chairs will work with the document 
> editors to determine suitable next steps.
> Thank you,
> Joel
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